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T bites, and Bee bites, and stings, oh my!
In response to this:
"Anytime I hear somebody compare a T bite to a bee sting I just laugh. Let a Goliath bury it's inch long fangs in their hand and tell me it feels like a bee sting. Sheesh.
This started out as a simple Q & A thread regarding the bite of a specific species, namely B. smithi, and the people who provided the A's all seem to have posted from either first hand experience with other NW T's, or have made it clear that they have none and are providing info and opinions based on what they have read from numerous sources regarding bites of similar species or B. smithi itself. Being one of the latter with no first hand experience thankfully, but having read many bite reports and having been bitten by more than my share of true spiders that have wandered into my covers at night, I know that 100% of the time the true spider was never seen or felt at the time of the bite. This in itself leads me to give creedence to the reports that indicate people didn't even realize they'd been bitten by some NW T's at the moment it occurred, though it's obviously not conclusive and I am only offering my opinion. Additionally, to support my opinion, it hurts a LOT worse to be cut by a dull knife than a razor blade, and I can only think that the precision needle sharp fangs of a T would similarly hurt a LOT less than something like carpet tacks.
This discussion is not about OW species that would be likely to latch on and "chew" or repeatedly drive their fangs into the flesh in an aggressive species style. Obviously a T.blodi bite would not be described as "similar to a bee sting". Keeping posts in the context of the thread might help when putting in ones thoughts.
Anyhow, these are the reasons I believe the comparison to a bee sting or a wasp sting is very likely accurate in regard to this subject as it relates to this species. I just can't firgure out why some people have to slam other peoples opinions rather than simply say they disagree, especially when neither party is speaking from first hand experience.... If you doubt the bite reports or think it would be otherwise you have the right to your opinion, but it's tiresome seeing peoples posts come out of the starting gate like an attack on the previously posted opinions and using examples that have nothing to do with the immidiate subject to try to make the previous peoples posts look dumb.
I'm CERTAIN that seeing this kind of antagonistic disagreement doesn't sit well with the newbs reading the threads who are here trying to see "what the experienced keepers think". I wouldn't want to learn ANY subject in a classroom where there were several instructors and a few of them were more interested in trying to make each other look stupid as a way of looking more "intelligent" or "knowlegable" than they were interested in helping the students learn the material they need to know, and I think this kind of biting remark in a post creates a very similar environment to just that.
If someone were to post "Oh, they are deadly! Don't touch it or it'll kill you!!" I can see slamming the ##$&^!! out of them for posting complete BS, but gimme a break here... Let people have their opinions and stick to posting your own with at least a LITTLE common courtesy to those who do not share it with you.
Edit: Upon posting this I looked at your profile to see who you were and discovered that you have only 10 posts on the boards yourself, so my question is what gives you the justification to start slamming others for their opinions in the first place? Just something you might consider when choosing how to word your next post.
In response to this:
"Anytime I hear somebody compare a T bite to a bee sting I just laugh. Let a Goliath bury it's inch long fangs in their hand and tell me it feels like a bee sting. Sheesh.
This started out as a simple Q & A thread regarding the bite of a specific species, namely B. smithi, and the people who provided the A's all seem to have posted from either first hand experience with other NW T's, or have made it clear that they have none and are providing info and opinions based on what they have read from numerous sources regarding bites of similar species or B. smithi itself. Being one of the latter with no first hand experience thankfully, but having read many bite reports and having been bitten by more than my share of true spiders that have wandered into my covers at night, I know that 100% of the time the true spider was never seen or felt at the time of the bite. This in itself leads me to give creedence to the reports that indicate people didn't even realize they'd been bitten by some NW T's at the moment it occurred, though it's obviously not conclusive and I am only offering my opinion. Additionally, to support my opinion, it hurts a LOT worse to be cut by a dull knife than a razor blade, and I can only think that the precision needle sharp fangs of a T would similarly hurt a LOT less than something like carpet tacks.
This discussion is not about OW species that would be likely to latch on and "chew" or repeatedly drive their fangs into the flesh in an aggressive species style. Obviously a T.blodi bite would not be described as "similar to a bee sting". Keeping posts in the context of the thread might help when putting in ones thoughts.
Anyhow, these are the reasons I believe the comparison to a bee sting or a wasp sting is very likely accurate in regard to this subject as it relates to this species. I just can't firgure out why some people have to slam other peoples opinions rather than simply say they disagree, especially when neither party is speaking from first hand experience.... If you doubt the bite reports or think it would be otherwise you have the right to your opinion, but it's tiresome seeing peoples posts come out of the starting gate like an attack on the previously posted opinions and using examples that have nothing to do with the immidiate subject to try to make the previous peoples posts look dumb.
I'm CERTAIN that seeing this kind of antagonistic disagreement doesn't sit well with the newbs reading the threads who are here trying to see "what the experienced keepers think". I wouldn't want to learn ANY subject in a classroom where there were several instructors and a few of them were more interested in trying to make each other look stupid as a way of looking more "intelligent" or "knowlegable" than they were interested in helping the students learn the material they need to know, and I think this kind of biting remark in a post creates a very similar environment to just that.
If someone were to post "Oh, they are deadly! Don't touch it or it'll kill you!!" I can see slamming the ##$&^!! out of them for posting complete BS, but gimme a break here... Let people have their opinions and stick to posting your own with at least a LITTLE common courtesy to those who do not share it with you.
Edit: Upon posting this I looked at your profile to see who you were and discovered that you have only 10 posts on the boards yourself, so my question is what gives you the justification to start slamming others for their opinions in the first place? Just something you might consider when choosing how to word your next post.
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