Getting Bit


Aug 12, 2003
i got my new spider and starting wondering about them biting. Can you avoid getting bit at all if your careful, or are you going to be eventually bit no matter what? this has kinda been freaking me out , i dont wanna get bit by a spider! i heard it isnt too much of a problem but do they sometimes flip out? Also, if you get bit, do you need it to be disinfected or anything? sorry i dont know very much about them.


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003
Don't start panicing. Don't freak out. It won't get out, run amok and hunt you in your sleep.
Being bit Can be avoided. It may happen eventualy. It may not. A little prevention is worth a whole lot of cure. So.

First you would have to know your spider.
What kind,what size.
This will help you know what to expect behavior wise. Since some spiders are less tolerant of human interaction.
Some are defencive, they would rather hide then bite but would use fangs if you were too invasive.
Agressive, Just go off on you. (You'll read threads about the crazy "orange biety things. Pterinochilus murinus, aka Usambar, demonic fireballs.... ect...)
"Docile" which doesn't mean hamster or kitten, just more tolerable again of human interaction.

Then there is venom. Some species have a more potent bite then others.

Size Does matter. Common sense, the difference between tiny little fangs and great big fangs. One Is going to hurt more then the other...

AS for disinfecting. Sure. If Anything bites me. It's going to get cleaned. That again is common sense. If it breaks skin. It's going to need attention. Be it in the sink with soap and water or if you have a severe reaction. More drastic messures.

But yeah.
First off.
What do you Have?

Have you looked at caresheets on it?
Do you have a secure cage and a comfortable setup for it?
Do you have tongs or long tweezers to work inside the cage with instead of your bare hands?

Welcome by the way.
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Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
The preceding was an EXCELLENT response and covers all the bases I could think of myself... Personally, 15 years of keeping T's and never been bitten. That experience must be prefaced however with the fact that 90% of my T's over the years have been either docile or only defensive, and I have a no handling policy on all my T's unless it is a docile and there is a genuine need to handle it to resolve a problem of some kind.

As stated in the previous post, we would need additional info to offer better answers.


Old Timer
Jun 11, 2003
i haven't been keeping ts as long as most people here.

i pretty much think of mine as tropical fish. i wouldn't try to hold a tropical fish. especially a lion fish or a puffer.

i recently handled one of my versicolors. it was very docile and it was after it ate.

i can tell which ones are docile and which aren't.

my seemani hits anything that comes in front of her. i would never try to hold her.

i think it's possible to never get bit if you are careful. the only thing that proves me wrong is the impossible, which always seems to happen.:}

just be careful and confident. treat them with respect.


Aug 12, 2003
its a mexican red knee which i've heard are fairly easy to deal with and aren't too likely to bite but, oh well i hope i never get bit that would suck not the pain so much but its just nasty to get bit by a spider.


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Spiderling, juvanile, subadult, adult....?

They are reputed to flick hair a lot, but as you said, also reputed to be "docile" in regard to biting. Generally they'll flick hair and boogy if disturbed, but there is always the "psycho" individual that pops up now and again to prove that wrong with any "docile" species. After you've had it for a decent amount of time and observed it's behavior patterns you'll get to know what ticks it off and how easily.

I don't recommend handling to anyone, but mostly because of the hairs more than for fear of a bite. On the other hand, are you allergic to bee stings? If so, all the more reason to avoid handling and use extra caution in tank maintenance. I'm not sure of the validity of the claim, but I've heard/read that people allergic to bee stings are a lot more likely to have a bad reaction to a normally "harmless" tarantulas bite.

As long as you repsect it's space and learn it's behavior patterns in order to know how close you can get without it feeling threatened, you should never have to worry about getting bitten.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2003
I only handle some that are real docile..i handle my rosie once in a while..its real docile and my rosie is big..i dont really like handling though..

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
B. smithi is a species that *usually* gets calmer and calmer as it gets older. As spiderlings and juveniles you are unlikely to get bit by one, but do expect a more skittish T that's always ready with the hair kicking. If you luck out and have a female, expect a nice pet rock when she get's to about 5".

The basics of how not to get bit have been covered, I would just add that with the species you have there is nothing to fear at all from the bite unless you turn out to be the very first person in the history of the world to suffer full blown anaphylaxis from a T bite. Depending on whether or not you think you're the world's most unlucky person, that should be reassuring :)


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2003
Something I notice lacking in almost all descriptions about T bites is that while the venom in most cases isn't significant just the size of the fangs alone is going to hurt like hell. Anytime I hear somebody compare a T bite to a bee sting I just laugh. Let a Goliath bury it's inch long fangs in their hand and tell me it feels like a bee sting. Sheesh.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by FelixA9
Something I notice lacking in almost all descriptions about T bites is that while the venom in most cases isn't significant just the size of the fangs alone is going to hurt like hell.
I guess you've somehow managed to miss the numerous first hand reports of bites where the victim didn't even realize they were bitten until the venom began to take effect, or the numerous warnings about species like Theraphosa and Hysterocrates where the physical damage is very significant.

For a species like a B. smithi, which is what is being described and discussed here, the fangs are going to be like getting two quick shots from an 18 gauge needle - unless you scream in agony every time you get blood drawn, they're just not that big of a deal And still, fwiw, as far back as All About Tarantulas published in 1977 it was emphasized that most of the pain from T bites (not taking things like Pokies into account since they weren't even in the hobby) was from the fangs but it was still not much different than a bee or wasp sting. Remember, hymenoptera venom is, with few exceptions, only about defense - it causes intense pain by design. Theraphosa venom is largely all about paralyzing prey smaller than your thumb.


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2003
Originally posted by Code Monkey
I guess you've somehow managed to miss the numerous first hand reports of bites where the victim didn't even realize they were bitten until the venom began to take effect, or the numerous warnings about species like Theraphosa and Hysterocrates where the physical damage is very significant.

Actually I read every bite report I come across. I think part of the difference between the bee and the T is that with the bee if it weren't for the venom I doubt you'd even notice the sting. The thing is if you get stung you always get the venom. With a T it could be a dry bite or not. Did it drive the fangs deep or was it a glancing scratch? I have a SMALL T (well maybe 3 1/2" - 4" legspan) and looking at the size of it's fangs I can't imagine not noticing they'd been stuck in my hand.

For a species like a B. smithi, which is what is being described and discussed here, the fangs are going to be like getting two quick shots from an 18 gauge needle - unless you scream in agony every time you get blood drawn, they're just not that big of a deal.

I don't know. I've been stung by a bee and a wasp and if I had to choose between that and getting a couple carpet tacks rammed into my hand I'll take the bee sting. True though, chances are the T isn't going to latch on like a bulldog and they don't often bite. (And I'm not trying to scare the original poster I just don't get how they can compare it to a bee sting.)

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by FelixA9
I don't know. I've been stung by a bee and a wasp and if I had to choose between that and getting a couple carpet tacks rammed into my hand I'll take the bee sting. True though, chances are the T isn't going to latch on like a bulldog and they don't often bite. (And I'm not trying to scare the original poster I just don't get how they can compare it to a bee sting.)
Well, I can't speak from experience since I've never been tagged, and, yes, I'll also choose the bee over the T but that's only because I'm very familiar with the bee sting (I've been stung several dozen times this summer alone working in the entomology department with honeybees). The familiar is almost always more palatable than the complete unknown. I just wouldn't be so quick to discount people's experiences.


Old Timer
Aug 11, 2003
You guys had some great answers and insight. I pretty much have a no holding policy with my T's and one thing I would NEVER do is to try to "clean up" in front of a burrow with my hand. THat is akin to touching a wire that "might" be electrified. I am of the belief that a well educated T owner runs a much lower risk of being bitten although nothing is guaranteed. Common sense dictates if it has teeth it may bite. Sooooooo Don't be scared, just be careful.



Old Timer
Aug 9, 2003
I haven't been bit yet and I'm planning to keep it that way! Like all the others have mentionned, common sense plays a lot on if you going to get bit or not.

My first T was a b. smithi too but I haven't handled her yet. I got into tarantulas cause they were great display animals, works for both me and the T's :)!

But now over two years later, I am starting to get the urge to handle my b. smithi. She is full grown at 5" and has been very calm over the past year. Hasn't even flicked a hair at anything!!! Since she has mellowed out so much, I will be attempting to handle her soon.

In my opinion, if I get bit during the experience it is most likely because I missed something or didn't pay attention to the signs. After observing my T's over some time now, it's pretty clear when they are unhappy or nervous! Best to leave them be when they are moody!!! lol

Do a lot of observing and pick the right moment to handle your T.

Let us know how it went :)



Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003
Pepperhead. Like Code said. Those are more skittish and flicky when they are smaller but grow to be wonderful pet rocks.
They are 'slow and generaly terestrial "ungraceful" ' When compared to Arborial tarantulas. Venom wise, like has been said. Low.

Read the care sheets, don't poke it in the nose with your fingers or otherwise Try to razz it into biting. And you probably won't get bit.

Common sense and respect.

A for T bites and bee stings. I am Extremly alergic to wasps. I Do suffer full blown anaphylaxis and carry several epipens and require hospitalization.
Bee's make me Ill. Very very ill. Swelling. Nasty blistering. Alot of other cute side effects.
And I have been bitten by good sized E. Camp. (pink zebra beauty) Comparativly. I'd rather have the Tarantula bite. Honestly.
It was compltly My fault. A Total case of mistaken identity between my finger and a superworm that decided to cling and crawl back up my finger. T sunk fangs and,, tried to get his worm....
It was quick, and honestly I wish people were That clean and graceful about taking blood as I felt Less pain from the two fangs. I had little or no reaction. A little itching on my thumb. A little swelling. I took benadryl. That was that. Thankfuly I haven't been hit by a "hot" species. But then I don't take any chances with our two that could be considered "hot" I'm only stupid with our " docile" ones. :D
Good luck with your new smithi. Keep us posted. And hey. Pics are good things.


Old Timer
May 28, 2003
do you guys remember that post about the person who's T would "pet" them with its fangs?

he/she said that it would like sit on his/her hand and drag it's fangs across his/her skin almost like "licking"....

it was here on the forums a few months back...maybe less...i thought that was funny...

now granted some of the big T's I have read about like a T.blondi is gonna do a fair amount of physical damage do to it's size...but that isn't a beginners species...

obviously no one wants to get bit...but there are many people on the site that have been raising T's for many years that haven't been bit...they are just cautious and pay attention to their T's attitude...

I have a G.rosea that I handle every now and again....if I open his cage and he comes crawling out I will give him my hand to walk on...though sometimes I can see that would be a bad idea and I don't touch him...they are an animal in every sense of the word. One momeny even the evil OBT can be handled (not advised) the same sense that even a docile G.rosea can be evil and attack anything that moves...or they can just be moody...if you are worried about being bitten read up on your species and pay attention to it's behaviour...

obviously don't try to handle the T until you are comfortable (or not at all)...they aren't little fuzzy bunnies that you can cuddle up to...they have fangs and you just have to be cautious...


Old Timer
Jun 11, 2003
i've been bit by bunnies. that hurts too. animals bite, that's the fact.


Aug 12, 2003
thanks hes only a quarter inch right now so theres no reason for me to worry anyway. i guess im just not used to tarantulas and they still kind of gross me out but theyre such awesome creatures i just had to get one and study them. well thanks for the info


Old Timer
Jan 26, 2003
You do not necessarily have to get bitten eventually, I have been T keeping for about 15 years also and have never been bitten. Just pay close attention to your husbandry methods and be careful with the T's when moving enclosures.



Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
I got my first tarantula in the early 80's, and I have never been bitten or stung yet (I also keep scorpions). I also have kept reptiles since before I had t's, and I have never been bitten by any of my reptiles either, although a few WC snakes in the field have bitten me several times.
use long tweezers (I have a 12" set and a 20" set) to do any cage cleaning or to change out their water dish, etc.). keeping your hands away from the t's goes a long ways towards not getting bit. also provide a hide for your t, this IME makes them feel more secure and they are more inclined to run and hide than try to put up a threat display and bite (well, MOST t's anyway). learn to judge your t's mood, if it is cranky and putting up a threat display leave it alone and try again another time.