Gecko not eating


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2004
Are you dusting the crickets with rep-cal? This is critical! EVERY DAY!!! Also, there is something called Lepard Gecko Dust by t-rex that's good to use once or twice a week. Crickets alone is not enough. They need to be gut loaded and dusted. If you have not been dusting, go out and by rep-cal right away and pat some on its face so it will lick it off. Make sure to get some calcium in her. That's probably why she is walking funny.

A moist hide is more important when they are young then when they are older and when they are about to shed. Rather than a traditional moist hide, I have some broken clay pots around and I wet them down every now and then to release moisure, especially when they look like they are going to shed. I also have a large water dish. They come from dry climates, so you want to keep their habitat on the dry side. Since yours are young, a hide might be better so moist spagnum moss is good if you are going for a natural look or just moist paper towel will do if not.


Old Timer
Jun 9, 2005
Also with leopard geckos, you can (and probably should) leave a small shallow dish with with calcium supplement in it. They will lick it as they need. Though for any calcium supplement it is important that it is Phosphorous and Vitamin D3 free, I use JurrasiCal. Leopard geckos do not need vit.D3 supplementation because they produce their own and if given too much it can build up to toxic levels. Too much phosphorous interferes with calcium absorption, they get enough of it from their diet.

Because it sounds like your leo is suffering from Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD).