G. rosea colors?


Old Timer
Sep 18, 2003
I'm thinking Grammostola nothing, don't see a mirror abdomen patch at all.
I would agree. I actually had that in my origional post but edited it out since there's a few without very visible patches, to me at least! (pulchra, etc..?) and the pics at a bad angle.

Does anyone know if every species of Grammastola has a defined mirror patch? I know it's a characteristic of the genus, but wasn't sure if it's a "prerequisite"?

I don't think it's a Grammastola, just wondering about the mirror patch thing, Grammies aren't my cup of tea.
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Old Timer
Mar 12, 2005
I unfortunately havn't seen too many gramastolans other than what's usually on the market but I'd assume they all have apparent mirror patches. Given the fact that this was purchased at Petco, we can usually narrow it down from the dozen or so spiders Calzoo makes available to them. Definitely a Brachy, and I'm still sticking to albopilosum.
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Old Timer
May 1, 2004
Neither of the G. pulchras I have possess a mirror patch, though it is quite evident in all of my G. roseas, even the immature one. If G. pulchra has a mirror patch, it is not evident at all. As for the other species in this genus, I honesly cannot say that I've ever been fortunate enough to see, let alone own, any "in person", only in pictures, but the T in question does look a lot like the pics I've seen of G. alticeps.
I can see a resemblence between that spider and B. albopilosum, but both of my B. albo's are much hairier.



Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
My female G. pulchra does posess a mirror patch, though it's not as obvious as on other species. It is there though.

Also, I don't believe that what odinn has is a B. albopilosum either.
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Old Timer
Jun 10, 2005
Ok...wonderful...for 10 years now I've been under the impression that I have a G. rosea. I am obviously not too good at IDing spiders but never gave it a second thought since I really had no reason to doubt that she's a rosea. Back in '95 I bought her with a KK for $20 from the local pet store where I used to live. She was marked as a "Rose Hair" and I never gave it a second thought. Now she's going to have a personality complex if I have to tell her she's not a rosea, perhaps I will try to keep it a secret.
To make sure this is clear: she is really more of a brown color than my picture indicates. but she is a dark brown as opposed to the lighter browns that seem to be the norm in pictures that I have seen for roseas. How can I find out for sure what I have here?

As a side here: boy, do I feel like an ass now. :8o
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Old Timer
Sep 18, 2003
As a side here: boy, do I feel like an ass now.
Definelty don't! No big deal.

How can I find out for sure what I have here?
Have you tried asking her what she is?? :)

Do you have any more pictures of the spider? Perhaps we could through out some GUESSES (I stress that) as to what she is. Would have been nice to know where she came from, as this is a HUGE piece of info when trying to make a "reasonable" ID guess.

Does look brachyish... lol, now how's that for an internet ID!?
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Old Timer
Jun 10, 2005
Yeah, like I said, she came from a local pet store and was marked as a Rose Hair...other than that, I have no information.

I will attempt to get some more pictures and when I do, I will start a new thread as this one seems to have been hijacked badly enough...sorry to the OP.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
re: G.rosea colors?

odinn7 said:
Yeah, like I said, she came from a local pet store and was marked as a Rose Hair...other than that, I have no information.

I will attempt to get some more pictures and when I do, I will start a new thread as this one seems to have been hijacked badly enough...sorry to the OP.

That certainly wouldn't be the first time somebody bought a T at a pet store which was not labled correctly as to species. There are posts on here, if you go back far enough, where people have purchased B. smithi's and B. emilias at Petco or other shops, for around $20.00, that were labeled either "Rosehairs" or "Pinktoes"! I, of course, could never be so lucky. It goes to show how unreliable common names are, though.



Old Timer
Jun 10, 2005
pitbulllady said:
That certainly wouldn't be the first time somebody bought a T at a pet store which was not labled correctly as to species. There are posts on here, if you go back far enough, where people have purchased B. smithi's and B. emilias at Petco or other shops, for around $20.00, that were labeled either "Rosehairs" or "Pinktoes"! I, of course, could never be so lucky. It goes to show how unreliable common names are, though.

I realize that spiders are often marked incorrectly and I even recently saw some in a pet store that I knew were marked wrong. The thing that bothers me is that I have had this one since '95 and never gave it a second thought as to what it is. Oh well, live and learn I guess.
Anyway, I have 2 new pictures that I will post in a new thread in the Questions and Answers section to see if anyone can narrow this down for me.
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Old Timer
Jun 10, 2005
Come on everyone that pointed out to me that mine isn't a rosea. I have 2 newer, better pics in the Tarantula Questions and Discussions section under a topic called "After 10 Years...I Need ID Help". Don't just leave me hanging like this folks. Please, just take a look and see if you can give me a better idea of what I may have. You were all nice enough to point out that I don't have a rosea and then debate what it could be, please just take a few seconds to check the other pictures and see if you can help me out.


Old Timer
Oct 18, 2004
Richard_uk said:
Freshly moulted, female RCF
What a gorgeous animal!! Anyone who thinks Rosies are boring can look at that and then tell me the same thing. I myself have 4 G. rosea slings which may possibly be RCF, is there any way to tell when they're youngsters or does it only show up as they get older?