G. Rosea Breeding


Old Timer
Oct 17, 2005

I've had my T for over 9 years now and I think I'm ready to breed her (I just need to find a male.) But I need to learn a lot about it before that. I have a few questions. How do you keep the female from eating the male? And how do you care for the offspring?



Old Timer
Oct 23, 2005
It is rare if your not used to breeding T's, knowing about when to intercept the female when going after the male. Not even all the people I know who do this for a living can always save the male from being eaten. It is a unwritten or perhaps written rule of thumb that the male can be a possible meal at any time during breeding. Just the way it goes. My L. parahybana just made a fast meal of a male last month. She did the drumming back to him and just as he got close enough, she was on him and and started eating him. And she had been well fed prior to knowing I was getting this male. Guess she didn't like this one. Usually the will make an aggressive advance before the male can get too close. but then again this is not always true. Sometimes they wait until after the deed is done and then eat the male. It is a 50/50 deal. But this is just what I have seen at some of the breeding done. Others may have a different perspective on the subject.


Old Timer
Aug 30, 2005
I would suggest reading the breeding reports section of this website for both G. rosea and other terrestrial species. This should give you a good idea of "how" to breed. As for care of slings, have you had any experience with slings before? Basically care would be the same. If not, you might want to poke around on here and find out about sling care. Also, before you decide to breed though, you'll want to make sure you have a plan for the slings if you plan to give them away/sell them (which may be kinda hard to do) or that you have the space and money to raise several hundred slings.

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Something that I was retroactively told to do after a failed mating is shark caging the male inside the T's tank for some time. Meaning - put him into a box with air holes all arround so that both can scent the other but without giving the female the oportunity to attack him. If you are lucky you can then already see what a temper she has and possibly make her get used to the idea of a short but friendly T relationship.

Good luck!


Old Timer
Oct 17, 2005
As for care of slings, have you had any experience with slings before? Basically care would be the same. If not, you might want to poke around on here and find out about sling care. Also, before you decide to breed though, you'll want to make sure you have a plan for the slings if you plan to give them away/sell them (which may be kinda hard to do) or that you have the space and money to raise several hundred slings.
I have no experiece with slings, I have some experience in baby scorpions, but not T's. I know Its common to keep them in vials or tubes, Is that safe to do? If so where can I get a bunch of them? And what do u feed them? I would only want about 15 - 30 slings. I would let the rest be eaten (if the mother does that). I would plan to sell them or give the away.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I would plan on giving them away............ there are not to many people that want to pay much of anything for Rosea slings........
You can go to a resturant outlet store and get those little cups for sour cream and such with lids for like 500 of them for 35 bucks. Thats what I use. They are very cheap and work really well.

As far as feeding them you have to stick to small prey. Most of the time prekilled items work well. I used to use the leg of an adult cricket but that is a big pain in the butt. So I now make my own aphid cultures and use those. I have had wonderful success with those.
You can use wingless fruit flies as well, but I find those to be a big pain in the butt as well. Or pin head crickets. Those might be the biggest pain in the butt of all.
Hope this helped some.


Old Timer
Oct 17, 2005
I wouldn't give away the slings. I'd sell them when there adults. I'm not sure how long that takes but I'd patient. Thanks for the info :clap:


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I hope you are patient cause you are not going to produce a G. Rosea adult from sling in under 7 years. Those puppies grow slllllllloooooooowwwwwww. {D {D

And even as adults you are looking at a max of 15 bucks each. And for all that work?

By all means breed, breeding is good for everyone, I am just letting you know they are not going to be sold quickly.


Old Timer
Oct 17, 2005
7 years!!! Just for get I ever said anything. Unless I could find someone...No just nm.