Found this behind my bed, how do I care for it?

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I'd also add, in terms of hazard to humans, Very dangerous ---> Least Concern ---------------------------------------------------------------------> Pholcids
If someone actually manages to get nipped by one of these they would be a candidate for the Guinness Book.


Jul 20, 2017
Fragile? Not on their webs.

They aren't always hungry. Or something else. It doesn't mean it's scared of the prey. It took a really long time for mine to notice the ant. Don't they have really bad eyesight?

I don't know, it's definitely not something I want to test, but we aren't talking about adult female black widows. They can take down at least some kinds of spiders though. Others have observed it. Not to say that other spiders can't kill these.

Not my image I found this pic on Google
View attachment 279023

Also... I may have lost her... I knew it was a bad idea to try handling. :banghead:
That poor male was only looking for some love....

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Introduction to Zen meditation: Observing Pholcids attempting to corral mosquitoes. Roughly, around a 10,000,000,000 to 1 success rate.


Jun 16, 2018
Leave that area where it was undisturbed for a few days if possible. Then carefully search for the new web. It could have strolled off but normally not more than a few feet away.
She dropped off with some silk (at least it felt/looked like it) and scurried underneath a dresser. Not sure if to laugh or kick myself.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
She dropped off with some silk (at least it felt/looked like it) and scurried underneath a dresser. Not sure if to laugh or kick myself.
Sounds like Kismet has got involved.
1. (Providing she is preggo) label the dresser Pholcid Incubator. Do Not Disturb
2. Move the dresser, keeping in mind if kismet has been rolling the dice you are skewing the universe ever so slightly out of balance
2.1 Tip the dresser over on it's back and either A, if she has started a new home, learn from your mistake and live with a new way to use a dresser or B, risk yet another skewing of celestial relationships and attempt a relocation or C, go sit in a corner, humming one note tunes to yourself as you rethink your life or D, none of the above (ignore, live and let live).

Arachnophiliacs have more fun!


Jun 16, 2018
Sounds like Kismet has got involved.
1. (Providing she is preggo) label the dresser Pholcid Incubator. Do Not Disturb
2. Move the dresser, keeping in mind if kismet has been rolling the dice you are skewing the universe ever so slightly out of balance
2.1 Tip the dresser over on it's back and either A, if she has started a new home, learn from your mistake and live with a new way to use a dresser or B, risk yet another skewing of celestial relationships and attempt a relocation or C, go sit in a corner, humming one note tunes to yourself as you rethink your life or D, none of the above (ignore, live and let live).

Arachnophiliacs have more fun!
I found a different pholcid with an eggsack in my garage. :smug: I'm not going to catch her or anything, but I can't wait to see the babies, assuming it's fertile.


Jul 14, 2018
I found a different pholcid with an eggsack in my garage. :smug: I'm not going to catch her or anything, but I can't wait to see the babies, assuming it's fertile.
The babies are adorable when they hatch:happy:. Just saw a mama the other day with some hatching babies. Wished I'd gotten a picture!

They really aren't fragile they can take predatory prey much bigger than themselves,I saw a 2-3mm one taking down a 2cm katydid once
I've seen many larger spiders (I'm guessing Eratigena atrica) taken down by the ones in our shed. I've also heard they can go after Redback spiders which are very venomous. I almost lost a juvenile Araneus diadematus to them a few days ago. Gotta watch them every second ;)!