I have been in a very similar situation with 2 hatchling female leos. I bought them based on there looks and not their health
One of them wouldn't eat at all, I tried every food, took her to the reptile vet and tried force feeding but nothing worked. She eventually died Sometimes theres nothing you can do.
The second was more successful. She is farely healthy but I have to kill the crickets and hand feed her. Sometimes she goes a week only eating 2-3 crickets and then she randomly eats like 10 a day for several days straight. Leos are weird.
What I do is kill the cricket then use somthing like a pencil or chopstick to move it around a bit so she thinks its alive but slow enough that she can catch it easily. If that fails I hold it up to her face until she eats it or seems really uninterested. If she yawns or licks then I pop it into her mouth
If she wont eat I leave her some dead crickets in her cage over night usually the next morning some have been eaten then I remove the rest.
I hope that helps a little and good luck. Keep us updated
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