force feeding a gecko


Old Timer
Nov 11, 2007
Will do, clam :)
Still struggling with the posting-of-the-pic bit,but hopefully i can accompany my next update with a few pics

The Bear

Old Timer
Aug 1, 2005
I have been in a very similar situation with 2 hatchling female leos. I bought them based on there looks and not their health:embarrassed:

One of them wouldn't eat at all, I tried every food, took her to the reptile vet and tried force feeding but nothing worked. She eventually died:( Sometimes theres nothing you can do.

The second was more successful. She is farely healthy but I have to kill the crickets and hand feed her. Sometimes she goes a week only eating 2-3 crickets and then she randomly eats like 10 a day for several days straight. Leos are weird.

What I do is kill the cricket then use somthing like a pencil or chopstick to move it around a bit so she thinks its alive but slow enough that she can catch it easily. If that fails I hold it up to her face until she eats it or seems really uninterested. If she yawns or licks then I pop it into her mouth{D
If she wont eat I leave her some dead crickets in her cage over night usually the next morning some have been eaten then I remove the rest.

I hope that helps a little and good luck. Keep us updated