For the potential hot keeper...


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
This is for you who never messed with snakes and think venomous snakes are something cool to keep - you might wanna reconsider:

Click here




Old Timer
Dec 29, 2003
There's no way I'd keep a hot like that unless I had a really experienced keeper with me to show me the ropes... ;)

(But I still want one - one day.)
Last edited:


Old Timer
Mar 20, 2004
:eek: The pictures were pretty bad - but the story that goes with it left me speechless. :eek:

Almost unbelievable. The guy is lucky to be alive (minus his right arm). So 20 years later he's still suffering from that bite. YIKES.



Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
Can anyone briefly summarize the text in English?

*note to self - the next time Lelle says "Very Graphic Images," I need to make sure to wait until after I finish eating... ;)


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2003
Even those of us who do keep hot stuff need to go back and get a refresher every now and then by seeing just how much we should be respecting our chosen hobby. Never ceases to amaze me just what they are capable of.



Old Timer
Dec 29, 2003
RazorRipley said:
Keeping an animal that will do that to you... INGENIOUS! :?

There are gigantic differences between keeping hots for the adrenaline rush, or because its cool as opposed to the kind that keep them out of genuine interest in the animal...
One wants it because it's "cool" or a status symbol, and the other because of a scientific interest in it.
One would not be aware of all the risks and possible outcomes, and the other is prepared for the worst, but cautious and diligent.


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002
RazorRipley said:
Keeping an animal that will do that to you... INGENIOUS! :?
This doesnt make sense....Thats like posting a pic of a motorcycle accident and equating that to owning a motorcycle..


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
Driving a car and have a potential rendezvous with the grimreaper every day is more dangerous, statistically, then me keeping a venomous snake.
And if you are refering to the article, that guy was bitten in the field.



Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
Im sure he had that before. He had a lesson in the importance of have access to serum in time while bitten in the field.



Old Timer
Oct 22, 2004
from what i made of it he wasnt housing it ...he was rock climbing ...but my german aint the greatest ..but that would suck to go threw all that pain and suffering for what 3-4 days and then them amputating it of ...and then him still having all the pains and confinment to the wheel chair still after he lost his arm ...would have made sense to amputate it from the get-go and possibly not have all the other problems then ...well hopefully with this guys encounter with the snake and the hospital ...the hospital might remember and just amputate faster next time


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
He was bitten in the field, didnt get serum for 48 hrs until they fly him to Italy.



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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :? :wall:


Old Timer
Jan 4, 2005
becca81 said:
Can anyone briefly summarize the text in English?

*note to self - the next time Lelle says "Very Graphic Images," I need to make sure to wait until after I finish eating... ;)
Here ya go Becca:
(it's a straight translation so some of it might not make sense :?

The author describes in detail the effects of a bite of Vipera lebetina obtusa and the further disease process.

The author gives A detailed description OF the consequences OF A snake bite OF Vipera lebetina obtusa and the progresses OF the illness.

On 4 May 1982 I was bitten in south Turkey close of the city Iskenderun with the Erklettern of a rock hill by a Levanteotter in right lower arm. The queue was approx.. 150-160 cm long, and its body had a diameter of approximately 5-6 cm. The bite took place with large force and met right arm with both teeth approx.. 5 cm over the wrist at the arm inside; beyond that also still castings of small teeth were to be seen. Immediately after the accident the arm a piece over the elbow was tied. Without cutting the bite marks open was done, since the poison teeth with the whole length had penetrated into the fabric, and due to whose length (20-25 mm) it could be accepted that the actual poisoning stove would not have been met. In addition the danger up and/or of the cutting through of a Vene existed.
As turned out later, the queue might have at least met a large blood vessel with a tooth.
Immediately after creation returned I pilotbind to approximately 20 min. to the car. A strong swelling up to the half upper arm as well as a dark discoloration showed up already here. After halfhour travel we reached the hospital in Iskenderun. After explanation of the state of affairs and view by a physician I got 20 ml serum into the gesaess injected. Since thereafter no improvement occurred - swelling had already the shoulder reached which, which whole arm had itself yellowish green discoloured, and first blisters arose -, my friends tried to get with practical physicians and in pharmacies further serum which also succeeded after approximately 2 hours. When the sister, who squirted me the first serum, who saw new ampuls, she wanted to fool into believing us that it concerned wrong serum. Were however "Behringwerk ampuls: Front and middle Orient ", so that a mistake could be excluded. Finally it turned out that it had concerned with the first serum Skorpionserum. I got now 20 ml injected by the new serum likewise the gesaess. Also one explained us that us in this hospital no further assistance could be given, and referred us to the hospital in that to 150 km removed Adana. The travel there took place in the own camping bus. I got again 30 also here ml the latter serum, other treatments was not accomplished. My situation worsened appreciably, although up to this time the expected secondary symptoms of intoxication, failure and vomiting, were missing.
In the late evening 5 of May, 36 hours after the queue bite, after substantial edema development within the range of the right arm, body and link arm a Fasciotomie (cut open for pressure relief against sensitivity disturbances and blood circulation disturbances) of the right lower arm accomplished.
Since I already floated despite all measures accomplished so far in highest mortal danger, my friends informed my parents in Austria, who alarmed the Austrian flight rescue for their part immediately. A more exact investigation in the airplane resulted in a strongly limited kidney function and a likewise strongly lowered coagulating ability of the blood with withdrawal into the fabric. Thus it came to dropping the blood pressure to extremely low values to a cycle collapse. Without a Amputation of the right arm could be done for the time being. To 7.5th against 4.30 o'clock arrived I in Vienna and became immediately into the 1. Medical university clinic brought. The photograph findings showed the following picture: substantial edema formation of the entire torso with both arms. In the Fasciotomiewunde saw one blackish discoloured musculature. In addition a Hypalbuminaenie (reduction of the protein in the blood), a Thrombozytopenie (reduction of the blood lamellas, which introduce coagulating), a moderate coagulating disturbance and a reduced kidney function were determined.

right arm, about 40 hours after the bite, with the arrival in Vienna

Purely subjectively regarded, my condition had probably somewhat improved, since I could remember now again details, what between the arrival in the hospital Adana and was not possible for the return flight to Vienna.
As immediate therapy I received anti-serum, albumin, fresh blood, Heparin, Dopamine, an antibiotic screen and a Tetanusprophylaxe in Vienna. On 7 May at 20 o'clock I was operated. A Gegeninzision (Gegeneinschnitt) at the right lower arm should be accomplished. With the Fascienspaltung it turned out that the arm musculature was completely necrotic. Therefore a high Amputation of the right arm was accomplished.

Poor after the Amputation. Despite bad image quality is good the necrotic musculature to recognize.

To the operation I came on the intensive care unit, where I was after-artificially respirated, since also a necrosis of the lung turned out. After watching improvement the artificial respiration was stopped on the next day. To 2. Day after the operation I felt again much weaker. In addition I noticed feeling disturbances in the left arm as well as in both legs. The legs were also starting from the knees as dead; I could not move it any longer.
A neurological investigation brought paresthesias in all extremities as well as complete losses of the Motorik in the legs. Also the nerve guidance speed was generally strongly slowed down. Again I received an infusion from 30 ml to serum, since it was accepted that neuro tables the disturbances were to due to the constant presence of queue poison. An investigation of the Rueckenmarkes on possible damages ran negatively.
After 8 days stay on the intensive care unit I was shifted on the normal station, further 4 weeks later into domestic care to dismiss. Since it was communicated to me that I could count on an improvement of the paralysis features in some weeks to months, I was very confident. When I had bettlaegrig at home spent one week, fever thrusts up to over 40.C arose to each evening. I brought therefore into the Salzburger mental hospital, since it came also to a polyneuritis, with each affecting my body very strong pain caused. The fever could be brought by high penicillin gifts to fading away, against the nerve inflammation got I in the hospital infusions. After 3 weeks hospitalization I resumed the treatment at home with tablets. I had to drive now to toward at the end of Decembers in the wheelchair.
In the left hand the sensitivity disturbances up to the fingertips had faded away. Also I could implement strengthless movements with the left foot again. But now strong Beugekontrakturen stepped in both knees on (stretching deficit left: 100., right: l10.). By those at home and in the Braunauer hospital accomplished physikotherapeutische treatment the paralysis features continued to fade away always, only the right foot could not be moved starting from the knee yet, although in some places with attempts pain and heat differences were now already felt.
Unfortunately I got at the beginning of of August due to the high fresh blood gifts a serum hepatitis, which made again a 3woechigen hospitalization necessary. Since I was nourished nearly only by infusions, magerte I up to nearly 40 kg off.
To the dismissal from the Braunauer hospital I came to the rehablitation and resuming physical treatment into the rehabilitation center bath Haering/Tirol. The here substantial accomplished physical therapy brought constant improvement, so that I drove in the middle of January on sample vacation home. The Beugekontrakturen not yet completely disappeared with the temporary dismissal (stretching deficit in the knees left: 30., right: 20.) improved in the process of the last 6 weeks so that I could go to at the beginning of March 1983, 10 months to the bite, again nearly normally. The strength in the legs might today (March 1983) approx.. 50% of the normal value amount to. In addition sensitivity disturbances in parts arise at both thighs and in both feet, and the motivity of the toes is still reduced.

Address of the author:

Linzer STR. 41
A-5280 Braunau/Inn

Note of the editorship:
How this tragic accident shows, a herpetologische Exkursion can be connected with substantial dangers. In principle one should be extremely careful in areas, where poison queues occur, and carry boots as well as gloves. Hard-to-travel area is to be avoided, because straight are difficult the queues here because of their camouflage colouring to recognize. Unfortunately the dangers of a bite are underestimated and played down by European and euroasiatic poison queues as well as their consequences, although the straight euroasiatic Viperiden is inferior in its poison effect some Crotaliden in no way. Also one should consider that the medical supply is not ensured everywhere, the taking along of appropriate serum is appropriate only if a continuing cooling of the serum on 6-10.C can be guaranteed during transport.

Nachbemerkung, now nearly exactly 20 years after the bite:
From the long lasting late sequences mentioned above today the still following is present, with a further improvement is no more to be counted: Sensitivity disturbances in all fingertips of the left hand; h?ige phantom pain; Left foot: deaf feeling, nearly without pain feeling downward the knoechels, purposeful moving of the toes, foot cannot be moved only reduced; Right foot: deaf feeling in the sole and the toes, these can be moved only reduced; Nerve guidance speed in both legs still strongly slows down; reduced kidney function.


Old Timer
Oct 11, 2002
Man that has to suck. It goes to show that you need to be up to speed on everything that is potentially dangerous in an area that you are going to be hiking through. One big mistake the author made was tieing the area above his elbow. This most likely allowed for more tissue damage to occur in the areas below his elbow.


Old Timer
Oct 7, 2004
That just makes you stop and think. Of what, you ask? Losing an arm! :(