They are without question Acromyrmex versicolor. They are quite common in parts of Arizona. The "Cones" are very typical Acromyrmex nests. There are no Pogos in the pictures.
The head shape which although a small image is clearly visible enough to show it is Acromymrmex or some other Attine, since it is in Az but not Organ Pipe it is Acromyrmex.
Well, from all the Pogo's I've seen it looks like an above view of a Pogo worker, the head looks more Pogo like than acromyrmex gordon, I'll do some comparing later today with the heads of each and then give me decision ;D
I have reexamined the ant in question, not only is the head shape absolutely characteristic of Acromyrmex the mandible which is visible although only barely also indicates that species.
wow.... you guys are serriously into this ant thing. It was never my intention to start an argument about species. My intention was "hey guys, check out these cool looking ant cone thingys!" and let it go at that. I won't be posting any other pics (because I don't have any others, I wiped my memory card) and I no longer have access to the property so I won't be collecting any samples.
I really appreciate everyone here who a) liked the pics and/or b) wanted to help me learn more about these bugs, but please, I'm not worried about what species it is, and there's no need to argue about it. The pics are blury, and we should all be able to live quite happily with a "well, it could be this but I'm not sure." response.
I think you misunderstand (or I do) but a good debate and serious inquiry into identifying a bug is FUN! for the serious bug nerd. I love these types of discussions and learn LOADS. These guys are serious about their hobbies and these are the types of people that find new species and all kinds of cool stuff.:clap:
well said Cliff, :clap: and I am grateful for all I have learned from all the posters on here. recon I just get a little nervous due to negative experiences in the past (not on this board) when folks get "a might excited" about a topic.
I just want to make sure everything stays pleasant and cheerful, in the spirit of the original post. no offense meant to anyone.
Their was no tension, just Trying to guess a species, its always fun an anting forum I'm on has an occasional Species ID, its always fun to go and learn and try and guess you're self!
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