FooFoo Bunny..


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
:} Stupid rabbit told you not to go near that cage.. LOL!! :D Delilah eatting her normal meal of a almost 5 pound rabbit, shes always looking for more, so im upping her rabbits to 10 pounds.



Old Timer
Jan 17, 2003

misleading subject line...:( :( :( :( :(


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2002
Its called the food chain :)...compared to how we so-called "sentient" humans dispatch cows, turkeys, chickens, pigs and other meat bearing creatures, for our doesn't look so bad. (then again, I have snakes)


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2003
the thing is, see, is that

I choose not to witness giant snakes eating rabbits, and other fuzzy critters. I also choose not to hang around a slaughter house watching cows become hamburger.
I know all animals have to eat, and I also know about the food chain.
But, subjects that say "FooFoo Bunny" make me think I am going to see picts of someones pet bunny...not a snake swallowing a rabbit. I think that was a twisted way to make viewers witness this.



Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
First off , if you cant handle seeing or being around snakes eatting there prey then dont own a snake.. Its a way of life, as for the foo foo bunny part its FOOBAR!! I have lots rabbits in my freezer.. And no there not live when fed.. Snakes eat mice, rats, gerbils, and Rabbits!! People eat rabbits so whats the big deal.. depending on the species of snake some also eat lizards, frogs, toads, chipmunks, squirels and birds.. You should see what happens to 4-H animals that are raised in the fair ground lime light, they get sold and slaughterd.. And there not even around a snake....


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2003
chill out, "dude".

Watch your exclamation marks, they are not called for.

"First off , if you cant handle seeing or being around snakes eatting there prey then dont own a snake.."

ummmm, I don't own one. Just for that reason, as a matter of fact.

I am well aware of what snakes eat. No need for you to list it for me. Of course, it's nice to see that you, too, are aware.

"You should see what happens to 4-H animals that are raised in the fair ground lime light, they get sold and slaughterd.. And there not even around a snake...."

Wow. Imagine that. Guess where Farmer Jack, McDonalds, whatever the grocer's is called where you live, get their beef, etc. For that matter, I bottlefeed our cattle in the spring, just so that the following fall they end up in my freezer, along with the rest of the families...but, I am not sitting inside the slaughterhouse, watching it happen. More power to the people who can, I simply cannot.
I have no problem with animals being used for food, I just choose not to witness it.

You missed the point of my complaint. You didnt say "FOOBAR! (edit: I wasnt wrong, the thread IS called FOOFOO bunny, not FOOBAR)bunny getting Swallowed", and your sense of humour evades me. Your pictures caught me off guard.
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Old Timer
Mar 10, 2003
This is an invertebrate board and this section was at its inception for the herpers out there but was expanded to include all pets just to cover all the doesn't seem unlikely that the topics posted here would deal with more exotic pets which tend to be predators rather than more conventional "warm and Fuzzy" mammal-type pets. Even with the word bunny in the topic it really shouldn't be that big of a surprise to see pics similar to these. I liked the pics and found them interesting and I wasn't surprised by the pics nor did I expect to see a "pet" rabbit although the possibility was there.

foo /foo/
1. interj. Term of disgust. 2. Used very generally as a sample name for absolutely anything, esp. programs and files (esp. scratch files). 3. First on the standard list of metasyntactic variables used in syntax examples. See also bar, baz, qux, quux, corge, grault, garply, waldo, fred, plugh, xyzzy, thud.

The etymology of hackish `foo' is obscure. When used in connection with `bar' it is generally traced to the WWII-era Army slang acronym FUBAR (`F--ked Up Beyond All Repair'), later bowdlerized to foobar. (See also FUBAR.) It has been plausibly suggested that FUBAR was influenced by German `furchtbar' (terrible). It has also been reported out that 1960s computer manuals, in a usage influenced by Fortran's implicit-declaration feature, frequently used F00 (F followed by two zeros) in examples.

However, the use of the word `foo' itself has more complicated antecedents, including a long history in comic strips and cartoons. The old "Smokey Stover" comic strips by Bill Holman often included the word `FOO', in particular on license plates of cars; allegedly, `FOO' and `BAR' also occurred in Walt Kelly's "Pogo" strips. "

Paul Dickson's excellent book "Words" (Dell, 1982, ISBN 0-440-52260-7) traces "Foo" to an unspecified British naval magazine in 1946, quoting as follows: "Mr. Foo is a mysterious Second World War product, gifted with bitter omniscience and sarcasm."

Other sources confirm that `FOO' was a semi-legendary subject of WWII British-army graffiti more-or-less equivalent to the American Kilroy. Where British troops went, the graffito "FOO was here" or something similar showed up. Several slang dictionaries aver that FOO probably came from Forward Observation Officer. In this connection, the later American military slang `foo fighters' is interesting; at least as far back as the 1950s, radar operators used it for the kind of mysterious or spurious trace that would later be called a UFO (the older term resurfaced in popular American usage in 1995 via the name of one of the better grunge-rock bands).

Earlier versions of this entry suggested the possibility that hacker usage actually sprang from "FOO, Lampoons and Parody", the title of a comic book first issued in September 1958, a joint project of Charles and Robert Crumb. Though Robert Crumb (then in his mid-teens) later became one of the most important and influential artists in underground comics, this venture was hardly a success; indeed, the brothers later burned most of the existing copies in disgust. The title FOO was featured in large letters on the front cover. However, very few copies of this comic actually circulated, and students of Crumb's `oeuvre' have established that this title was a reference to the earlier Smokey Stover comics.

An old-time member reports that in the 1959 "Dictionary of the TMRC Language", compiled at TMRC, there was an entry that went something like this:

FOO: The first syllable of the sacred chant phrase "FOO MANE PADME HUM." Our first obligation is to keep the foo counters turning.
For more about the legendary foo counters, see TMRC. Almost the entire staff of what later became the MIT AI Lab was involved with TMRC, and probably picked the word up there.

Very probably, hackish `foo' had no single origin and derives through all these channels from Yiddish `feh' and/or English `fooey'.
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Old Timer
Jan 17, 2003
so whats that mean?

does that say somewhere in there that the word "foofoo" and the word "fooBAR!" are one and the same? If so, then my apologies.

I never once implied that someone should not be allowed to show pictures of their snakes feeding, hell, feed something a humanbeing, photograph it and post it. I couldn't give a rats @ss..but it would be CONSIDERATE toward those of us who happen to prefer the "warm and fuzzy" critters being seen alive, and not food, to give some sort of a warning in the subject line...not even that, to tell you the truth. I am on that type of board that I expect that type of posting..with snakes eating, etc. But, to put a misleading subject line is not right. Then, to come back with a sh**ty attitude of "if you dont like seeing snakes eating their prey, don't own a snake.." is just immature and uncalled for also.

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Old Timer
Apr 5, 2003
i like kim

haha kim rules :)

it never ceases to amaze me how defensive some people are...

regardless, i too, keep snakes, and don't mind the pics, but Kim kicks some @ss :)

yes,a pointless post, but it still stands.

dave :)


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2003
I had a 7 ft columbia boa when i was 13 now i have a 6 foot maybe alittle longer texas rat snake, i have never had a problem seeing one eat something like that, i dont know how anyone can bitch when there feeding there T's living things and dont see a problem with it but then have a problem with a guy feeding his snake a dead frozen rabbit i dont get it


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2003
thats what is sooooooo funny.

I didnt bitch at first. Check my first post on this thread.

"anyone can bitch when there feeding there T's living things and dont see a problem with it but then have a problem with a guy feeding his snake a dead frozen rabbit i dont get it"...
I don't :
have a problem with anything quoted above. None whatsoEVER.
Do whatever pleases you, life is too short. If that pleases you, go for it, man. You are feeding another creature, that's cool.
There is another thread in this section where I posted "step-by-step" instructions on how to humanely break a mouses neck to feed it to a snake. Nope, don't have a problem with feeding at all. BUT: I don't watch it, simple as that.
I have learned though, DO NOT open threads on this board unless I have fully prepared myself for the fact that behind some computer screen somewhere...someone is gettin their kicks by makin it appear to be a "warm n fuzzy" post, knowing full well that they are creating a "shock" factor for those of us that do not go for that type of viewing material. But, hey more power to ya, whatever floats your boat.

and Dave...
thanks :)...and I am still waiting for those OTHER pics that you promised. ;P


OH! For the record,
I can't even crush a crickets head..or pull off their legs, or anything else, it just stands to reason that I would not be able to kill another critter to feed a large reptile, etc. which is why I do not own them....


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2003
I'd just like to say that those are great pics, the first time I ever seen a snake eating a rabbit, I've allways heard you could feed them rabbits but I have never actually seen it. and I would like to see the ten pounder getting ate. oh and is it true that there poops like a horses.


Old Timer
Apr 5, 2003
i fed my big one a rabbit once..

it was crazy. then i had to give it to the miami zoo.

they fed it a chicken i think.. that was back in 88 though, so...
regardless of whos angry with who, i must say the pic is interesting.. much like the pics i posted of people eating Ts.. maybe not something you want to look at, and i def. used my head and FORESIGHT and posted a disclaimer.. i figured some people may not want to see it, even though, hell, this is a T forum and people had been posting that whole week about eating Ts... but still...

its about using foresight, right? at any rate.. im done..i'll send some other pics :) hahahahaha good thing i have a soft spot for older women (and youre not even that much older, by the way.. im just 23) :)



She Who Rules AKA Thread Killer
Staff member
Jul 17, 2002
Hey All ... Play Nice!

Let's just chalk this one up to a big misunderstanding and end it there ........

As long as everyone plays nice, I will allow this thread to remain open.

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to PM me. :)
