We rescued a blue heeler mix (or Australian Stumpy Tail since her tail isn't docked but she has a nub) that was hit by a car on the highway a little over a week ago. We got her fixed up and since she's pain-free now, her behaviors are starting to show themselves better. We've been trying to see if she would be good with the cat and if so, we would keep her. The cat is perfectly fine with the dog but it seems that the dog gets food aggressive with other animals but not with us. The cat was scavenging around the chair because Jason dropped some food and the dog ran over and made a warning snap at the cat. It didn't seem like she touched the cat at all. She also may have growled at the cat while she was trying to play with the dog's ears but I didn't hear it and it may have just been a grunt according to Jason.
If it were dogs of similar size competing against each other, I would have no problem correcting this behavior but I'm worried about this situation since it's a 6lb cat vs. a 40lb dog. They are already feeding separately and the dog has proven not to be food aggressive with humans she knows. Does anyone have any advice on this?
If it were dogs of similar size competing against each other, I would have no problem correcting this behavior but I'm worried about this situation since it's a 6lb cat vs. a 40lb dog. They are already feeding separately and the dog has proven not to be food aggressive with humans she knows. Does anyone have any advice on this?