Flea bombs


Old Timer
Jun 25, 2007
so we have to bomb our house this weekend, my freaking dogs got fleas at the vet. so i am going to take the t's out as well as crickets. but i don;t know where to put them. my only real option is to put them in the un attached utility room, but here in alabama, or as i like to call it satans sauna the temps this weekend will probably reach the upper 90's. do you think that my babies would be ok in the for a few hours? i really don;t have anywhere for them to go. the dogs are going to be outside, and we are going to go to a movie. none of my friends will go near my t room, let alone allow them to chill in their house for hours. so what is ya'lls opinion?


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
I am currently trying to get rid of fleas myself... I have tried every method possible besides bombing the house. All have been unsuccessful. Sorry, I am not much help. However, I believe from what I have read that the T's will probably need to be removed for longer than a few hours. Hopefully, someone will chime in who has experience using the foggers....


Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
would they stay nice and cool in the refrigerator??;P hahaha, just kidding, i would NEVER do that. are you sure NONE of your friends would let them chill in an unused room or something? what if ( i have no idea how many you have by the way...) you put all the containers in a sealable tupperware bin? you know something they couldn't escape from? or, you could put them in your car, crack the windows, park in the shade. who knows? get creative? how bout taking one of your friends to the movies with you, and leaving the T's at his/her house while he/she does not know they are there...;P now THERE'S a good plan. they'll neeeeever know...{D

so we have to bomb our house this weekend, my freaking dogs got fleas at the vet. so i am going to take the t's out as well as crickets. but i don;t know where to put them. my only real option is to put them in the un attached utility room, but here in alabama, or as i like to call it satans sauna the temps this weekend will probably reach the upper 90's. do you think that my babies would be ok in the for a few hours? i really don;t have anywhere for them to go. the dogs are going to be outside, and we are going to go to a movie. none of my friends will go near my t room, let alone allow them to chill in their house for hours. so what is ya'lls opinion?


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2006
How many T’s and what size are they?

I would take them out of the tanks and put them in cups with some sub. Stick them in a cooler with a couple ice packs and take them to a friends in that manner and store the tanks in the shed.


Old Timer
Jun 25, 2007
well i now have 4 t's in my collection.
G. rosea ~4"
A. geniculata ~3.5"
B. albopilosum ~1"
Haplopelma sp. Vietnam ~2.75" (aka Rabid Bitch)

as far as just putting them in temp housing, i'm sure that i could easily do that with all but the haplo, who i have not seen in the three days since i got her. that and she actaully scares me a bit. the B. albo is in premolt and i'm worried about problems with that. if i could put off bombing i would but i have to get rid of the flees. they have moved from biting my pets to biting me. and that is just not cool.:embarrassed:

i'm trying to find some one who will let them in for a while but one i really do not have many friends close and i don;t want to drive 30 minutes to drop them off and then pick them up again a few hours later.

and so far as i can tell it is going to take about 4.5-5 hours to bomb. so keep that in mind with the suggestions :)

also i know that i am going to have to move the tanks as well even if they don;t have the t's in them becuase i would have to change the substrate and such if i left it during the bombing.

i just don;t know. poop:(


Old Timer
Aug 4, 2005
There are a few options to consider, One you can leave the T's where they are and duct tape plastic over the tops. They will live quit a while on the air in the tanks. Just be sure they are sealed good.
The other if your afraid of doing that is to put them in temp homes and then put a trash bag around the tanks so you dont need to change them later.

Redip Spider

Old Timer
Aug 10, 2005
Flea control

I had a battle with fleas in my apartment about a year ago. What ended up working best for me was vacuuming at least every day, if not twice a day. It physically removes the fleas, and apparently also disrupts their life cycle. I also used boric acid in the carpet, but am skeptical of it's effects.


Old Timer
Jun 20, 2007
The best way to get rid of fleas is treating the dogs with advantage or a similar treatment. The fleas bite the dogs and die before laying eggs. They are drawn to the dogs like magnets and killed fast. Then the dogs are protected for the next month or two as well. This worked for me before.
If you must bomb...Those T's can probably handle a few hours (or days or weeks) of your weather. To be safe, you can bomb after sundown (sorry no matinee) to cut down on heat. Be aware that fleas may have layed eggs in the tarantula substrate and these can reinfect the house after bombing.


Old Timer
Jun 20, 2007
Additionally, I have a utility room that is not attached to my apartment that sounds similar to what you have and I had a B. Vagans escape three months ago. I just found her a week ago in the storage room. She lived through half of the Florida summer out there with many 90-100 degree days. I think your spiders will be OK for an evening, just don't put their cages in the sun.


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2007
Dont Bomb

i haven't heard of anyone bombing for fleas in at least a decade now. It isn't even that effective as you will have to repeat the whole process in two weeks and it doesn't get to a lot of areas like closet floors and under furniture/beds etc. If you must use a chemical in the house, get a premise spray. You won't even need to move everything out of the house. I recomend Vet-Kem (also sold as Zodiak) or Adams. You can use the premise spray on part of the house, wait for the barely damp carpet to dry and then treat the rest of the house. Using a spray also allows you to treat under the furniture and beds, closets, etc. Boric Acid is also effective but will take weeks to get things completely under control. As someone suggested vacuuming every day can and will make a huge difference - just make sure you dispose of the bag so they don't crawl back out. Don't bother putting cut up pieces of flea collar in the vacuum bag it doesn't kill the fleas but may spread the chemicals.

It sounds like you have an extremely out of control flea problem at present. i would also recommend getting an outdoor spray (also by Vet-Kem, Zodiak or Adams) and treating the whole yard - especially shade areas.

Lastly, get Frontline Plus and apply it to the dogs monthly until the situation is under control. After that you can actually use it every couple months (labeled to last 3 for fleas only) to prevent another outbreak. It doesn't actually have anything in it to attract the fleas to it but it is effective. i would recommend NOT using Advantix as my office no longer carries it after so many bad reactions. Advantage is effective but not nearly as water proof and only last one month. Don't try to save money buying off label cheaper brands. They often cause more reaction problems and aren't as effective. If money is tight, order Frontline Plus online and you can probably find it a lot cheaper than your vet office or local pet store. i have bought many products from Vet America - their prices are very reasonable and they ship fast.


i don't work for any of the companies i recommended - i've just seen what works. Honestly, please get Frontline Plus and use it year round to prevent a future problem. It is a whole lot easier and less expensive than dealing with a flea infestation. Prevention is best as often fleas are carried to your yard by possoms, racoons, outdoor cats, etc. i live in a city and have these wild critters passing through my yard.

As far as your T's are concerned, if you choose to bomb (AND i STRONGLY recommend you consider one of the premise sprays i recommended instead) it would be worth it to me to drive my T's a half an hour away and i would leave them there for a couple days.

i hope some of this info is helpful. If you have any questions please feel free to pm me. It is good that you are taking some action as i have seen even large dogs die from flea anemia - not as uncommon as you would think this time of year. However, those tragic situations are not seen nearly as often since the availability of products like Frontline.


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2005
Take it from me, I'm from Alabama too and I sell flea control products. Bombing is a bad idea and won't really do much other than run them out till the smoke clears. What we recommend to people is Acephate in the yard (sold under various brand names) and a spray indoors of your choosing. We recommend Demon or Viper but the choice is up to you. You can also sprinkle out some Diatamaceous earth (sp?) which is a fine powder composed of basically microscopic seashells. There are many things you can do to get rid of fleas but all of it will have to be repeated within a week or so to get the new hatchings. No reason at all to bomb the house when there are so many other remedies out there that will work and you won't even have to move your animals. I've used many different methods and never had a death nor have I ever moved a single cage or occupant. If you're interested in more, I can tell you where to get some of this stuff in your area maybe. PM me if you want more info.


Old Timer
Jun 25, 2007
ok well bombing is no longer an option. the dogs and cat have been on capstar not for 3 days. this stuff kills the fleas that bite within like 30 minutes so it is really good for that. we have hardwood floors thoughout the house, so we are at a loss as to where all of them are coming from. we have treated tha back yard, and the pet beds as well as vaccuming the couches and anywhere else the pets have been or could have been. this has been a problem for about a month now and we were going to bomb as a last resort anyway. any suggestions for the hard wood since most were for carpet?

thanks ya'll we appreciate the advice


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
ok well bombing is no longer an option. the dogs and cat have been on capstar not for 3 days. this stuff kills the fleas that bite within like 30 minutes so it is really good for that. we have hardwood floors thoughout the house, so we are at a loss as to where all of them are coming from. we have treated tha back yard, and the pet beds as well as vaccuming the couches and anywhere else the pets have been or could have been. this has been a problem for about a month now and we were going to bomb as a last resort anyway. any suggestions for the hard wood since most were for carpet?

thanks ya'll we appreciate the advice
this is why i dont have furry pets...Tarantulas are fuzzy not furry lol