We recently caught a Fishing Spider, right after it had molted. After doing research, we made him a home with the proper environment. We have been feeding him small/medium sized insects that are non-toxic to spiders. After about a month, we noticed he was starting to molt again. Since we didn't get to see the first molt, we took pictures and watched the entire process. After around 14 hours, he still was upside down with half of his molt still attached. Not wanting him to die from this difficult molt, we applied drops of water to loosen it up for removal. After a bit, we were able to remove the rest of the molt with his assistance, of course. Although, the legs on that side of his body came out all deformed, curly, and one is even stuck in an upward position; it just won't come down. This is also the same side he already had his front leg missing from; previous loss. Soo, his legs on that side are almost "paralyzed" looking. Due to being new to Florida, we think it may have been because we didn't keep his cage mosturized enough and he was dehydrated which led to his bad molt.
* Here are some pictures to help get a better idea.. THANKS!! We would appreciate tips or advice on what to do or if anyone else has been in this situation before as well.. Also, ANY information regarding Fishing Spiders would be appreciated, thanks! =)
* Here are some pictures to help get a better idea.. THANKS!! We would appreciate tips or advice on what to do or if anyone else has been in this situation before as well.. Also, ANY information regarding Fishing Spiders would be appreciated, thanks! =)
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