My first snake was a wild-caught yellow rat that was about as tame as they come...she bit me only like 3 or 4 times. I was about 10. My second snake wasn't really MINE, but my family took care of him while his owner was in college. I was about 12 and the snake was a male redtail boa.
My first-ever snake was a wild-caught, six-foot-long "Greenish" Rat Snake, a natural intergrade between a Black Rat and a Yellow Rat. I had to sneak and keep him outside under a shed, since at the time, I was strictly forbidden to get anywhere near one of these "deadly" creatures by my mother, who believed there to be no such thing as a harmless snake, and who would literally have killed me-no exaggeration whatsoever-to instill her point. I still didn't accept her "logic". I think I was seven or eight at the time.
I got my first snake recently. A little kenyan sand boa. I love her! I also got some corn snakes that are a lot of fun.
I voted for corn snakes. They get big and have a nice disposition (my sand boa has never bitten me but she can be grumpy at times).
Corns are fun to hold but are very wiggly and active so you can't put them around your neck and walk around the house with them. I often lay on the couch and watch TV with my sand boa though. She's usually content to just sit on my hand or lay on my chest. Well when she's in the mood anyway
My first snake is my adult male ball python. We have had him for a year and a half and love him.
We will, by this weekend, have 9 snakes total.
2 ball pythons, one adult male, one unsexed baby
3 cornsnakes one male snow, one female hypo lavender, one male striped ghost
2 coastal rosy boas, one adult male, one baby female
2 red tail boas one female Comumbian, one young male suri
first I caught was a diamondback (at 6 I wandered the ranch alot lol) but mom thought it was an inappropriate pet at the time, she let me keep the kingsnakes though. Growing up in West Texas in the 60's was a different world back then lol.
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