Feeding-ratio on slings?


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2007
I'm thinking of getting me a couple of slings (approx. 1 inch G.rosea and B.vagans), and I'm in the research-prosess now, and I was curious on how often to feed them. What routines have you guys/girls in here have on this?


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
I'm thinking of getting me a couple of slings (approx. 1 inch G.rosea and B.vagans), and I'm in the research-prosess now, and I was curious on how often to feed them. What routines have you guys/girls in here have on this?
I only feed my slings once a week. Usually a small dubia roach or a meal worm. I used to feed them twice a week, but as the sling numbers grew this became a burden. Once a week is just fine. :D

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
At one inch, you needn't bother with the hassle of live pinheads. Buy a bag of regular-sized crickets from wherever, stick it in the freezer until dead, then dump them into a tupperware and keep frozen. Give 'em one cricket a week at most, pick out anything not eaten within 24 hours. Ten days or even two weeks might be a better schedule, depending on the size of the crickets and whether or not your spider is starting to pack on the pudge.

Dead prey is easier to catch if the sling doesn't eat it, and it can't eat your spider if the spider is just too small or not aggressive enough to attack or trying to molt or any number of things.

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
It all actually depends, if you want them to grow fast, then power feed them. Power feeding them is feeding the slings alot, like every other day. If you want them to grow normally(which is slow for G.rosea) then feed them once or twice a week.

Note: Powerfeeding shortens the Ts lifespan. Not by much though, and both those species live long anyway.


Old Timer
Feb 4, 2007
It all actually depends, if you want them to grow fast, then power feed them. Power feeding them is feeding the slings alot, like every other day. If you want them to grow normally(which is slow for G.rosea) then feed them once or twice a week.

Note: Powerfeeding shortens the Ts lifespan. Not by much though, and both those species live long anyway.
That is what i do, all of my slings are now in pre-molt. My n.chromatus just molted this mornin, his last molt was less than a month ago.


Old Timer
Feb 7, 2007
I've got a small B. Vagans sling I've been power feeding since I got it. I just want to get it past the "dangerous phase ". It's been moulting about every three weeks. Once it gets up to about 2 inches I'll slow down.

Oh ya keep them warm too, about 80 degrees.

Brian S

Old Timer
May 29, 2004
I was curious on how often to feed them. What routines have you guys/girls in here have on this?
Depends on the size of food you intend to feed. For instance, if you feed fully winged adult crix, 1 will feed a 1 inch sling for a good 2 weeks, whereas a smaller "medium" sized cricket can be fed once or twice a week. Regardless of what you hear, you cant overfeed one. If that was the case I would probably have killed nearly every T I have ever raised. When they have had enough they will stop. So feed away


Old Timer
Aug 4, 2005
ive got 7 g. rosea's, i use to feed once a week but over the past 3 months ive just watched and when they look skinny i feed them a medium cricket. if they dont take itwithin about ten minutes i remove it.
i changed the way i feed because as they have grown i have noticed that they are growing faster or slower. i have 2 that can eat twice a week and one that eats twice a month. if i feed it more it refuses it.
i think the best is to start out once a week, then modify to whatever it wants. and a 1 inch sling should have no problem's with a medium size cricket. just my opinion but i think overfeeding anything is not a good idea. i always try to keep mine full but not to the point that they start looking like a balloon ready to pop.


Old Timer
Apr 6, 2007
I power feed my slings till they're about 4cm. LS. When I say power feed, its like eat all you can, (pinheads). I have 4 B. vagans which I got as 1cm slings last feb. 2 are now 4cm and the other two, 3+ cm LS. I have now changed the diet of the 2 larger ones. 1 mealworm every 8 days...:)