Feeding after molting


Feb 28, 2025
So I have a pretty decent sized juvenile Tarantula, who just molted for the first time since getting him. I waited I think 2 weeks and a 1/2 because I wasn't able to check the state of his fangs and was looking for signs of hunger. I finally got some crickets and he was waiting out the front of the burrow, so I gave him a pretty large cricket. And he fed perfectly fine, ate the whole thing and now he's waiting outside of the burrow again. His abdomen is still a lot smaller than I would like, is
It better to feed tarantula's a large amount after a molt or immediately get back into the schedule of maybe feeding twice a week or every other week.



Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Who feeds on a schedule????? There is no schedule in the wild other than “hungry, eat”

Andrew Clayton

Active Member
Dec 19, 2018
So I have a pretty decent sized juvenile Tarantula, who just molted for the first time since getting him. I waited I think 2 weeks and a 1/2 because I wasn't able to check the state of his fangs and was looking for signs of hunger. I finally got some crickets and he was waiting out the front of the burrow, so I gave him a pretty large cricket. And he fed perfectly fine, ate the whole thing and now he's waiting outside of the burrow again. His abdomen is still a lot smaller than I would like, is
It better to feed tarantula's a large amount after a molt or immediately get back into the schedule of maybe feeding twice a week or every other week.
Don't bother with a schedule, if you think it's abdomen is small feed it, that simple, you could go all out and give it 2 crickets, living life in the wild side haha


Active Member
Jun 29, 2021
So I have a pretty decent sized juvenile Tarantula, who just molted for the first time since getting him. I waited I think 2 weeks and a 1/2 because I wasn't able to check the state of his fangs and was looking for signs of hunger. I finally got some crickets and he was waiting out the front of the burrow, so I gave him a pretty large cricket. And he fed perfectly fine, ate the whole thing and now he's waiting outside of the burrow again. His abdomen is still a lot smaller than I would like, is
It better to feed tarantula's a large amount after a molt or immediately get back into the schedule of maybe feeding twice a week or every other week.
Don’t use schedules, feed according to abdomen size


Active Member
Oct 25, 2023
Many people do give a more substantial meal after a molt, but you don't want to go overboard in trying to fatten them back up quickly. It's perfectly normal for their abdomens to stay a bit smaller until they've had a few meals, and it's not harmful to them as long as they're not scary skinny. The last time my two juveniles molted, I gave them each a hornworm for their first meal because they're nice and hydrating, and then I gave them maybe a few more feedings over the next couple of weeks but quickly went back to normal, which for me is gauging frequency by how big they're getting and what their last meal was. For instance, if I'm feeding crickets, I usually feed them every 1-3 weeks, but if I feed them something on the richer side like a silk worm, that's usually their only meal for a while longer.
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Spoon feeder
Arachnosupporter +
Oct 26, 2017


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
I think people who have scheduals, do so, because of their other obligations. It doesnt mean they always feed at the specific time. They might use it for maintenance and bowl refills.

I am one who does not use schedual. It happens mostly on the weekends, when i work. And everything is circumstancial. Some of my tarantulas are better when i don’t go into there enclosures for a while.

after a molt, depending on size of tarantula, and age, i wait to make sure there is no risk from a feeder.

however, soft prekill, isnt that much of a risk. Its more if the insides have had time to place themselves. However i dont know about that, i havent read anything on the internal hardening process. Just the exterior. And its usualy in case a feeder would hurt it.

i use prekill after a molt. Sometimes i have waxworms for the slings. Its soft and fat.

if their abdomen is a decent size, there is no rush to feed.

its more important to provide water in case they need to fill up.

i monitor abdomen size: i don’t want to have obese tarantulas, or extra long fastings.
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Arachnosupporter +
Nov 28, 2023
' Feast or Famine '
Many are able to go long periods between Meals.
However a Water Source should be made Available at All Times.
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Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
So I have a pretty decent sized juvenile Tarantula, who just molted for the first time since getting him. I waited I think 2 weeks and a 1/2 because I wasn't able to check the state of his fangs and was looking for signs of hunger. I finally got some crickets and he was waiting out the front of the burrow, so I gave him a pretty large cricket. And he fed perfectly fine, ate the whole thing and now he's waiting outside of the burrow again. His abdomen is still a lot smaller than I would like, is
It better to feed tarantula's a large amount after a molt or immediately get back into the schedule of maybe feeding twice a week or every other week.
Feed until the abdomen is plump but not obese. No schedule required.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
. His abdomen is still a lot smaller than I would like, is
It better to feed tarantula's a large amount after a molt or immediately get back into the schedule of maybe feeding twice a week or every other week.
A small abdomen is PERFECTLY NORMAL after a molt....this is the most basic part of a tarantulas growth cycle.....they molt, they're at their thinnest, they gradually plump and when they get fat, they then molt and the cycle starts over.

Being thin is of absolutely no concern whatsoever....there is no hurry in plumping it quickly....in fact, plumping it quickly will only lead to a looooong period of inactivity and fasting until it's finally ready to molt.

But as a general rule, you can feed more often after molting, and as it plumps, gradually slow the feeding frequency and prey size....when plump, they need almost no food.....and when fat, they don't need any food, even for months on end.....some can go a year or more.


Active Member
Feb 5, 2025
I always just try to get mine every 3-4 days and give them one or two of they take right away. If they don’t eat over night then I take out and try again 3 days later


Jun 25, 2024
I follow the "rule" of abdomen size. I don't feed them when their abdomen is much wider than their carapace. They do tend to be hungrier after they've moulted(make sure their fangs are black of course).
Occasionally I'll feed my GBB an extra roach if I see it's webbing up alot. The only one I feed on anything resembling a schedule is my brachypelma boehmei as that things abdomen never shrinks(that whole genus is hardy and I think there's someone on this forum whose brachypelma didn't eat for nearly a year.)