My fire bellied toads have ran out of food. and the shops dont open till monday. Would it be alright to get earthworms from in my garden wash em and chop them up and feed them to my toads....;P
They would love the earthworms. Just be sure the area you get them from is not subject to pesticides. Just make sure the worms can still wiggle after you cut them up to iniate the feeding response.
You should get a culture going of redworms for the toads. These are small earthworms and my toads loved them. They are easily found on the web. Try They are very easily cultured.
I feed my newt live earthworms, I dont use chemicals or fertilizers outside, and I rinse the worms for a few seconds under room temperature water before feeding them to my newt.
It loves them, plus they are free and easy to find.
My newt doesnt go after crickets, but I know your frog will.
Yea just fed my toads a good chunk each of a big fat earth worm, was so big i had to chop it into small peices. Some of the peices were useless though, they stoped moving befor i got to them!
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