exo terra tank


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2007
I bought an exo terra tank last night for my 3 in avic avic. Are there any warnings or drawbacks u guys can give me about this tank? The screen looks too fine, imo, but it should work well, huh?

phil jones

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2006
hi what size is the tank as i was told a 12inx12inx12in was ok for a 4in avic avic **** phil

Scott C.

Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
It'll work fine. Only draw back of these tanks is that crickets can escape easily from them.

phil jones

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2006
how about locust hoppers as they are big and climb up :clap: :clap: ;)


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
I bought an exo terra tank last night for my 3 in avic avic. Are there any warnings or drawbacks u guys can give me about this tank? The screen looks too fine, imo, but it should work well, huh?
in my opinion the only draw back would be at the top of the cage in the back if you dont push those black bars outward your spider may be able to escape out of one of those holes.

otherwise i love exoterra tanks (if these are what im thinkin about) because you can open them from the top and the bottom depending on where your spider is, two openings can really be a big benefit when trying to move water dishes and taking out old food.


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2006
i still say even the smallest exoterra is too large for most avics, especially 3in ones. I only would use exoterra tanks for large poecs and other large arboreals. Im considering only for my cyriopagopus sp blue once its large enough


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
i still say even the smallest exoterra is too large for most avics, especially 3in ones. I only would use exoterra tanks for large poecs and other large arboreals. Im considering only for my cyriopagopus sp blue once its large enough
I willl disagree with this because in the wild avics have the biggest exo terra tank than petco could ever sell so if they can do well in the wild they'll do even better in this tank because this tanks is the same as the wild just minus the predators and the other tarantula competition. And the longer they stay in the exo terra the more they will get use to not being in their natural environment. Regardless of what people house their T's in if its not their natural environment they are only gonna feel comfortable to a certain level. and the more you change it (regardless of if you wait a day or a few months) they still will have to readjust to another new enclosure the bigger they get). So in my opinion as long as you put your avic inside something it can't escape out of it will be just fine. Aboreals web enough for you to just drop something in their webbing and they will find it. Terresterials will eat stuff that is already dead or you can just put it in their burrows to find. so either way it works out. I have a 3" Cameroon Red Baboon (Hysterocrates gigas) that is in an exo terra tank and is doing really well. If I could afford it all of my tarantulas would be in these tanks once they got to a size where they wouldn't be able to escape out of it because i love the two options of opening it either from the top or the bottom. Also because if you are trying to catch them it wont be as hard because they can only go either up or down as oppossed to a regular side tank where they can go up and down or run from side to side.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
How do you set up your H. gigas for burrowing in an Exo Terra?

I have one of the smaller sized ones, I like the tank but I don't like how heavy it is. I wish they had one made out of acrylic or something so you would get the same look and functionality without the weight. I remove the foam backing as crickets and spiders can chew their way behind it which can be a pain in the butt.


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2005
There are two little holes in the back to stick cords through. Just make sure you tape them up so crickets don't get out. Otherwise I've had no problems with exo terra tanks. I hope to have all exo terra tanks eventually.


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
How do you set up your H. gigas for burrowing in an Exo Terra?

I have one of the smaller sized ones, I like the tank but I don't like how heavy it is. I wish they had one made out of acrylic or something so you would get the same look and functionality without the weight. I remove the foam backing as crickets and spiders can chew their way behind it which can be a pain in the butt.
I just have sphagnum peat moss on the bottom of it made it wet (I didnt soak it because it comes already kind of wet) patted it down then I put Ceramic cave. If you use some kind of cave, half a log, or a fake log you don't need to make the substrate deep all you have to do is cover over the whole cave / log so all you can see is the opening. This is so funny now that I think about it. When I looked from the outside it seemed to me to be too much substrate and it looked a hot mess lol. I haven't seen my H gigas since I put it in there about 3 weeks ago or so (that's ok because when you do an enclosure the right way for H gigas you will never see them) and I was worried that he died from a bad molt or while he was molting he drowned in the thick substrate. So I took out my gigas put him to the side lessen the substrate then put the cave in, some water, and my gigas back in. The next day I come back and the entrance to the cave is blocked off as if it had a cave in lol. But come to find out my H gigas had blocked the entrance off his self as if to say leave me alone when I need you I'll come out by myself lol.. All you have to do is put enough substrate in there to keep the humidity so-so also, put a pile of the substrate under the log/ cave so this way your gigas can block the door way if it wants from the inside out.

So that's about it...Below are pictures front / top views.



Old Timer
Mar 23, 2006
to prevent crickets from escaping i turn the lid so the slots for cords is actually at the frount. i have them closes still tho. in those tanks i've found that even with those bars shut, crix can still get out.

as per the tank itself. if you think you may have had your T escape, check behind the styrofoam before opening the tank,sometimes it will be back there. also, you can just take the styro outs. i had a 4.5" a.avic MM in a 300mm X 300mm X 450mm and he did just fine. (i bought the tank before i knew the sex:wall: )


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2007
Well, it did cost a lot, but I had to have one when I saw someone elses set up, I liked it, copied it, and now my set up is so pretty, lol...I should thank the girl who posted pics of her tank: 'Becca', I think? I will look for her later and thank her for all her ideas


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2005
i dont get how you get crickets escaping though lol, the only possiblity i can see is POSSIBLY the front vents..though i havent looked at the inside of the vent to assess the size
I think theyr wicked vivs.i have had random crix running aaround the house, not a clue where from but equally i have about 30 seperate vivs/containers in the room, unless i saw it i cudnt say where from


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2007

Are those real photho plants? I love that idea!! lmao, where was that pic when I needed it!! lol, thanks


Old Timer
Dec 27, 2006
I have 2 Exo Terras, one for my B. smithi and one for my G. rosea.

This is the B. smithi enclosure.

and my G. rosea

I took the back drops out as I found Vala (B. smithi) trying to dig through it!!!
I'd heard a few creeks in th night, but it was only the next night when I actually saw her pulling pieces off.


Old Timer
Nov 11, 2006
Well, it did cost a lot, but I had to have one when I saw someone elses set up, I liked it, copied it, and now my set up is so pretty, lol...I should thank the girl who posted pics of her tank: 'Becca', I think? I will look for her later and thank her for all her ideas
Yeah beccas the bomb, told me how to do my Mrs robustum <Rozilly> up right.


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2007
I notice a lot of u have real plants in the tank....does that pose any issues with mites or whatever?:? I like the idea.:clap:

And, I didnt think I could put a terrestrial in one of these tanks! :razz: It looked too small-looked like not enuff floor space. I will def. go get 2 more tanks tho now that I know! I love these tanks- but my chase card will be maxed out sooner than Id thought:D