Evil neighbor dog kills our chicken


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
If it were me, the dog would be dead in my yard. Or at least captured and taken to a shelter and turned in every time I caught it in my yard. Around here every time its turned in as a 'nuisance animal', it costs the owner $40 to get it out, so after a few times of that it adds up. Sometimes that's about the only way to make people see the real problem, is hitting them in the pocket book.
"Pajama Sisters".
Thats a tad intense don't you think? I know how it feels to loose a pet to a stupid dog, my dog murdered my lovebird recently, when a dog sees a bird they think its a toy and just tear it up :( . I still love my dog even though hes a thick skulled idiot. I am very sorry for your loss, but if you have the neighbors dog put down the owner will not only be furious with you but people get very attached to their dogs and just cause one person makes a mistake not necessary to force them to suffer too.

just my thoughts... sorry again for your loss.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
...you live in San fransisco, you're backyard is the size of my TV (exaggerating), but yeah I'd hope nobody shot a gun in San fran in their backyard.

I got a good idea, why don't you...hmm...not keep a chicken? yes I know your neighbors dog should stay out, but I wouldn't shoot him or take him to a shelter, why don't you...hmm...I know this sounds like a crazy idea, but secure your property? sounds like a quick day job to me.
I live in the SF Bay Area... not IN SF, itself... and it doesn't matter. If it's in MY backyard and it shouldn't be... then it's fair game. I have a right to protect my own, whether it's a chicken or a tortoise or a plant... it's mine and it's on my property. It's why we have fences.

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
I am very sorry for your loss, but if you have the neighbors dog put down the owner will not only be furious with you but people get very attached to their dogs and just cause one person makes a mistake not necessary to force them to suffer too.
Yeah, but they were also very attached to their chicken and the dog was in an area where it wasn't allowed to be and wouldn't be if the owners had taken proper care of it! After giving the neighbours a warning that the dog might be hurt/killed next time it enters the property, then I don't see a problem with putting up a bear trap right infront of the chickens next time. If the owners can't take care of the dog so it doesn't damage others belongings or kills their pets then they don't care and they shouldn't have it in the first place.



Old Timer
May 12, 2006
darkpredator said:
Thats a tad intense don't you think? I know how it feels to loose a pet to a stupid dog, my dog murdered my lovebird recently, when a dog sees a bird they think its a toy and just tear it up . I still love my dog even though hes a thick skulled idiot. I am very sorry for your loss, but if you have the neighbors dog put down the owner will not only be furious with you but people get very attached to their dogs and just cause one person makes a mistake not necessary to force them to suffer too.
No, I don't think it is. When your own dog does it, that's one thing. When it's someone else's, it's totally different. Especially when the animal has a track record of property damage and animal killing.

My dog wanders around the yard with my 40 chickens every day, she doesn't see them as a toy. The same goes for anything in any cage, she knows not to mess with them. It's all a matter of training, a couple of spankins in this case when caught chasing them and that was it.

If the neighbor doesn't grasp the gravity of the issue, then perhaps their dog being put down will get it across to them. Like I said, I would rather take the animal to the shelter and make them pay...but even in some cases that doesn't phase them.

Until you've personally experienced groups of neighbor's dogs coming through and destroying your property you really have no idea how devastating it is and how little their owners care in the end.

I am not normally a violent person and I am an animal lover to my core, but you just lose your patience with strange dogs and cats and their owners. So I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
Until you've personally experienced groups of neighbor's dogs coming through and destroying your property you really have no idea how devastating it is and how little their owners care in the end.
well I have had neighbors defame my house and had things stolen plenty and I know the exact people who did it and their parents didn't care but I wouldn't SHOOT the child even if its legal some places. I just don't feel its right to end the life of another animal to even the score.
A bear trap is also very cruel, if you really really insist on killing a dog who is a danger to your live stock the least you can do is be humane. I am also in no way feel what the owner of the dog who murdered the kitten and chicken is right and she probably should have taken a lot more care after the first attack but I am sure that there are some people on these boards who would be devastated if their big dog got out and entered a neighbors backyard and was shot dead because the person thought the dog was dangerous.
I am done arguing,

Sorry once again about the loss



Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
I am sure that there are some people on these boards who would be devastated if their big dog got out and entered a neighbors backyard and was shot dead because the person thought the dog was dangerous.


Exactly the reason Im not going to kill the dog. But then again, I and my daughter were VERY devastated by what the dog did. It was a senseless death that did NOT need to happen. It was a very precious pet that was loved VERY VERY much. If you have a dog, its your responsibility to control that dog, and if you dont, then you should be prepared to suffer whatever consequences that may come.
I dont think she (the owner) will stop the dog from escaping and coming over again. I will catch it next time and call animal control.


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2006
I dont think she (the owner) will stop the dog from escaping and coming over again. I will catch it next time and call animal control.
Good for you. I know from personal experience that it doesn't always work (I used to have a neighbor whose dalmatian attacked several other dogs, AND children, and was captured and the owner was fined each time. Eventually the dog was put down by animal control after it attacked the second child). However, shooting the dog will also not solve anything, and there's NO chance that way that the owner will learn to be a responsible pet owner and take proper care of her dog.

Best of luck, and my condolences to you and your daughter in your time of loss :(.


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
Good for you. I know from personal experience that it doesn't always work (I used to have a neighbor whose dalmatian attacked several other dogs, AND children, and was captured and the owner was fined each time. Eventually the dog was put down by animal control after it attacked the second child). However, shooting the dog will also not solve anything, and there's NO chance that way that the owner will learn to be a responsible pet owner and take proper care of her dog.

Best of luck, and my condolences to you and your daughter in your time of loss :(.
ummm thats dumb! shooting a dog that habitually exhibits vicious behavior and is always running loose , especially one that has attacked kids, definatly does some good. it stops that dog from doing it again! just as the death penalty IS a deterant, i promise , if a murderer is executed, he will never murder again ...definatly detered his future crimes.
same here. the key is that you dont shoot one in retaliation, you only shoot ro defend your pets, livestock or people, any people . if its in your yard attacking kill it. period. if its not legal to shoot, get a katana lol


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2006
ummm thats dumb! shooting a dog that habitually exhibits vicious behavior and is always running loose , especially one that has attacked kids, definatly does some good. it stops that dog from doing it again! just as the death penalty IS a deterant, i promise , if a murderer is executed, he will never murder again ...definatly detered his future crimes.
same here. the key is that you dont shoot one in retaliation, you only shoot ro defend your pets, livestock or people, any people . if its in your yard attacking kill it. period. if its not legal to shoot, get a katana lol
I think what I was trying to say was that there still might be hope for the dog in question. Getting it sent to the pound might wise up the owner into training it properly, or at least stop it from getting into other people's yards.

Obviously the one that attacked kids was a lost cause, and that's why it was put down. Ya can't go shootin' dogs in downtown Toronto, otherwise it woulda happened.


Old Timer
Aug 14, 2006
I feel for you chickens make awesome pets so cute. Your special baby will surely be missed.
ON the issue of dogs.
Personally I think that if you have a big dog you HAVE be able to keep it contained in your own yard. You and your neighbor both have the right to keep pets in your back yards. However this dog is violating your right to be able to keep pets. Just because your neighbors have a poor trained un contained dog shouldn’t mean you can’t keep a pet in your back yard. They should fix there fence and apologies to your daughter. If they don’t have the time ensure the dog stays in there fence then they need to get rid of it. I can understand once but twice!

I have a pit bull and my neighbor breeds ducks and I have never had a problem but the ducks will come into my yard. BUT I never give my dog a chance to harm one of those ducks. My dog can get out of any fence and I don’t trust him with ducks so I never leave him in the yard unsupervised. Simple as that. He goes outside to go potty and comes back in to play inside. The dog hates being outside anyway. That way I can have a pit-bull and my neighbor can have all the ducks he wants.


Jan 14, 2007
Just take the dog to the shelter every time it ends up in your yard, with any luck, your neighbor will quit reclaiming it and the dog will get a more responsible owner.
I have three dogs that I keep inside whenever I can't be out to watch them. Even with vigilant care, one of mine has gotten loose on two occasions. That's why I don't really like the idea of shooting a stray dog or cat. It could be the only time that animal has gotten loose and may have an owner frantically looking for it. But, I'm totally for bringing it to the shelter. I would gratefully pay the reclaim fee at the local shelter to get my pet back and be thrilled that someone turned it in instead of leaving it out to get hit by a car.
Much sympathy on your chicken though, I used to have chickens myself and they are little darlings. I adored mine. We had a problem with our neighbors dogs killing them too. I just brought the dog into the shelter and the neighbor never reclaimed it. A nice family with kids adopted it and it lives quite happily in an apartment now.