Everyone's Top 3 Favorite Tarantula Species?

Arachnid Addicted

Apr 16, 2019
Really hard to answer, so I pic one NW and two OWs, lol.

Heteroscodra maculata

Poecilotheria subfusca
"Whatever Land"

Vitalius sorocabae

There so many others, though, just posting three to "follow the rules". Haha.


Sep 17, 2020


Sep 4, 2019
I do not have the breadth of experiences as most people on here as I've only been keeping for a little over a year and only (lol) have 17 tarantulas.

Out of what I have experience with:

C. Versicolor- I didn't think I'd be into an arboreal, but it may be my favorite one to watch as it is always working on it's web.
A. geniculata- Always hungry, always active, always making me jump. Love it.
C. marshalli- Maybe it's because it is my only OW, maybe it's because she has been nice enough to do her tunnel work on the front so I can see her, or maybe it's those cute legs sitting at the entrance. I don't know, but she is very dear to my heart as a confidence builder with future OWs.

I will say I am very attracted to US found species, but mine are all slings. I am also very excited that I'm getting my first Phormitctopus species (auratum) next week and can't wait to see how that goes.


Sep 17, 2020

I haven't gotten a tarantula yet, but I was wondering what everyone's favorite species were?
Just list your top 3! It'll be interesting to see how the answers vary between people, and what species winds up getting into everyone's top 3 lists most often!

I'll update which species wind up getting into people's lists the most down here:

All species that got onto at least one list:
-> T.albopilosus- 2 lists, H.pulchripes- 1 list, Xenethis (any species)- 1 list, C.lividus- 1 list, B.hamorii- 1 list, T.stirmi- 1 list, P.metallica- 1 list, E.murinus- 1 list, C.andersoni- 1 list, C.minax- 1 list, P.murinus- 3 lists, H.maculata- 1 list, P.muticus- 1 list, A. geniculata- 2 lists, S.champagne robustus- 1 list, S.wallace- 1 list, P.goliath- 1 list, B.boehmei- 1 list, N.tripepii- 1 list, H.chilensis- 1 list, P.cambridgei- 1 list, P.cancerides- 1 list, C.cyanepubescens- 1 list, O.violaceopes- 1 list, B.schroederi- 1 list <-

Current leader(s) (as of the last time I updated):
-> P.murinus- 3 lists, A. geniculata- 2 lists <-

(Wow, this got a lot of replies quicker than I thought it would! The list will probably not be updated fully until later in the day.)

A/N- I am NOT going to use replies to decide what species I want to get, I promise! Also, this is just for fun and because I think it'll be interesting to know, so have fun looking at everyone's answers!
New updates:

All species that got onto at least one list:
-> T.albopilosum- 1 list, H.pulchripes- 1 list, Xenethis (any species)- 1 list, C.lividus- 1 list, B.hamorii- 1 list, T.stirmi- 1 list, P.metallica- 1 list, E.murinus- 1 list, C.andersoni- 1 list, C.minax- 1 list, P.murinus- 3 lists, H.maculata- 1 list, P.muticus- 1 list, A. geniculata- 2 lists, S.champagne robustus- 1 list, S.wallace- 1 list, P.goliath- 1 list, B.boehmei- 1 list, N.tripepii- 1 list, H.chilensis- 1 list, P.cambridgei- 1 list, P.cancerides- 1 list, C.cyanepubescens- 1 list, O.violaceopes- 1 list, C.versicolor- 1 list, C.huahini- 1 list, <-

Current leader(s) (as of the last time I updated):
-> P.murinus- 3 lists, A.geniculata- 2 lists, T.albopilosus- 2 lists <-

(Wow, this got a lot of replies quicker than I thought it would! The list will probably not be updated fully until later in the day.)

Rigor Mortis

Nov 7, 2018
My favourites out of the ones I personally keep are
-B. hamorii
-A. chalcodes
-N. coloratovillosus


Apr 25, 2020
Currently, my favorites in my collection are:
- D. Diamantinensis
- A. Chalcodes
- H. Pulchripes


Sep 17, 2020
New updates:

All species that got onto at least one list:
-> T.albopilosum- 1 list, H.pulchripes- 1 list, Xenethis (any species)- 1 list, C.lividus- 1 list, B.hamorii- 1 list, T.stirmi- 1 list, P.metallica- 1 list, E.murinus- 1 list, C.andersoni- 1 list, C.minax- 1 list, P.murinus- 3 lists, H.maculata- 1 list, P.muticus- 1 list, A. geniculata- 2 lists, S.champagne robustus- 1 list, S.wallace- 1 list, P.goliath- 1 list, B.boehmei- 1 list, N.tripepii- 1 list, H.chilensis- 1 list, P.cambridgei- 1 list, P.cancerides- 1 list, C.cyanepubescens- 1 list, O.violaceopes- 1 list, C.versicolor- 1 list, C.huahini- 1 list, <-

Current leader(s) (as of the last time I updated):
-> P.murinus- 3 lists, A.geniculata- 2 lists, T.albopilosus- 2 lists <-

(Wow, this got a lot of replies quicker than I thought it would! The list will probably not be updated fully until later in the day.)
BIG UPDATE! I finished the whole list so far, and the A.geniculata is in the lead by 2 lists!

All species that got onto at least one list:
-> T.albopilosum- 3 lists, H.pulchripes- 2 lists, Xenethis (any species)- 1 list, C.lividus- 1 list, B.hamorii- 2 lists, T.stirmi- 1 list, P.metallica- 1 list, E.murinus- 1 list, C.andersoni- 1 list, C.minax- 1 list, P.murinus- 4 lists, H.maculata- 4 lists, P.muticus- 3 lists, A.geniculata- 6 lists, S.champagne robustus- 1 list, S.wallace- 1 list, P.goliath- 1 list, B.boehmei- 1 list, N.tripepii- 1 list, H.chilensis- 3 lists, P.cambridgei- 2 lists, P.cancerides- 1 list, C.cyaneopubescens- 1 list, O.violaceopes- 1 list, C.versicolor- 2 lists, C.huahini- 1 list, T.cyaneolum- 1 list, Poecilotheria (any species)- 1 list, E.murinus- 1 list, P.sazimai- 1 list, P.irminia- 2 lists, B.klassi- 1 list, G.pulchra- 1 list, G.iheringi- 1 list, G. rosea- 1 list, P.miranda- 1 list, Tliltocatl (any species)- 1 list, P.subfusca- 1 list, V.sorocabae- 1 list, C.marshalli- 1 list, A.chalcodes- 2 lists, N.coloratovillosus- 1 list, D.diamantinensis- 1 list, <-

Current leader(s) (as of the last time I updated):
-> A.geniculata- 6 lists <-


Old Timer
Jan 22, 2009
I don't have that many Ts compared to a lot of people, but I have a soft spot for the hobby classics.

Brachypelma hamorii
Grammostola porteri
Tliltocatl albopilosus

If I were to pick one as the absolute best beginner T, it would be T. albopilosus hands down. While it may lack in colour, it makes up with a fierce feeding response and faster growth rate than the other two. It's also slightly more active than the other two.

DomGom TheFather

Apr 26, 2020
A lot of people seem to like p.muticus, why does it make your top?
I have a thing for hard working shut-ins.
It is a long lived species with personality. They spend most of their time building their underground castle and when they get older, they claim the surface world.

They don't call it the king for nothin'😉
Last edited:


Jul 24, 2020
I can't pick only 3 species.

In no order...

E parvulus
E sp. red
A jurensis M2
C versicolor
G pulchra
A Huriana
A Marinae
P Gigas
T Violacious

Honorable Mention:

B Albiceps


Mar 19, 2020
Lasiodora Parahybana
Idothele Mira
Tliltocatl Vagans

But this question is unfair honestly. Also T seladonia, M Robustum, P Murinus, P irminia, P cambridgei, L Klugi, B hamorii, C Versicolor, T Albo


Feb 26, 2020
Aphonopelma chalcodes

Ceratogyrus darlingi

Tliltocatl sabulosus

My reasoning for these three is not for their temperament or behaviour, but simply because I think they're gorgeous lol


Laxow Legacy LLC
May 30, 2017
Wow, I've never noticed this thread until now.

If I had to pick based on my entire collection at the moment, it'll be like this:
1. Poecilotheria ornata
2. Theraphosa blondi
3. Theraphosa apophysis

If I had to pick based on NW species in my collection:
1. Theraphosa blondi
2. Theraphosa apophysis
3. Theraphosa stirmi

If I had to pick based on OW species in my collection:
1. Poecilotheria ornata
2. Poecilotheria subfusca "highland"
3. Stromatopelma calceatum

If it was based on whatever or everything in the hobby:
1. Poecilotheria ornata
2. Pamphobeteus sp. solaris
3. Harapactira pulchripes (hoping for a loan once my boy is mature *fingers crossed I can find him a female*)