Everybody tune into Jay Leno!


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2002
I think its great you ladys have your own T site.:D
But my question is: How do you know the person signing up is female or not? :?



Old Timer
Sep 10, 2002
i hate leno but the girl was cute......she seems pretty darned smart.....knows the T's by scientific name even.......


Scarlet O' Hairy
Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
Sexist ? What about all those MEN only clubs like golf and fishing and hunting and ect ? PUH-LEASE.:rolleyes:


Old Timer
Sep 10, 2002
i know women who golf and women who fish......maybe not hunt but im male and i dont hunt either...i tried it and it sucked.........personally i am not bothered by the womens only group at all.....anyone can be a woman online if they choose.....most of the world is sexist or racist or something politically incorrect so oh well.....thats life....get used to it...dont worry yourself and grow any grey hairs over it....
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Steve Nunn

Old Timer
Aug 30, 2002
Originally posted by MrT
How do you know the person signing up is female or not? :?

LOL. Been there, done that Ernie. I tried as Stephenie, but I swear they could smell the testosterone.



Old Timer
Jul 27, 2002
Originally posted by Spider_savior
Sexist ? What about all those MEN only clubs like golf and fishing and hunting and ect ? PUH-LEASE.:rolleyes:
So the answer is to cure sexism with sexism?

And anyway, I don't recall having seen any men-only tarantula forums. So I don't see what men-only hunting and golfing clubs have to do with a women's tarantula forum. I've honestly never seen any attempt by men to keep women out of the tarantula hobby.

BTW, I also have an invertebrate forum. But it's exclusively for black bisexuals who weigh less than 130 pounds. If you're a black bisexual who weighs less than 130 pounds, let me know so that I can email the address to you. You see, I think that black bisexuals who weigh under 130 pounds haven't been given enough opportunities to understand the joys of keeping tarantulas.

most of the world is sexist or racist or something politically incorrect so oh well.....thats life....get used to it...dont worry yourself and grow any grey hairs over it....
I have always have a problem with sexism when membership has absolutely nothing to do with one's sex.

Sure, I don't see any reason why golfing clubs should be for men only. But invertebrate forums for women are just as bad.

Unless there's some massive attempt to prevent women from keeping and discussing tarantulas, all I see is sexism for the sake of sexism.
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Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by whoami?
So the answer is to cure sexism with sexism?

I have always have a problem with sexism when membership has absolutely nothing to do with one's sex.


Sure, I don't see any reason why golfing clubs should be for men only. But invertebrate forums for women are just as bad.

Unless there's some massive attempt to prevent women from keeping and discussing tarantulas, all I see is sexism for the sake of sexism.
Bah, get over it already. I see nothing wrong with men-only, women-only, white-only, Christian-only, etc. clubs, forums, etc. and it's a sad thing that you (and the courts for the most part) mistake freedom of choice with enforced homogeneity.

Funny thing about people, despite all the diversity propoganda in the media and universities, they tend to like to hang out with people they perceive as being similar to themselves. Look at us, we're a bunch of tarantula lovers who aren't concerned about gender, race, or religion, so here we are. OTOH, women are a small slice of the tarantula keeping pie, a pie that is already tiny and largely misunderstood and shunned. So why not give them their little bonding forum without a bunch of PC bs? There's plenty of other places for people who don't care about being with tarantula keepers of the same gender to hang out, so there's certainly no harm in any conceivable way.


As for the appearance she made, it was cute but typical in terms of what to expect from the general media. Hopefully if she ever gets to make a similar experience in the future she won't be so nervous because that's what let Jay pour on the schlock. On the other hand, he was pretty good about getting up close and personal with the Ts.
Did anyone get a look at what the 4th T was she brought? She had the rosea, the pinktoe, and what looked like a P. regalis to me, and some other one that Jay cut off the segment before she could show.
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Old Timer
Jul 27, 2002
I see nothing wrong with men-only, women-only, white-only, Christian-only, etc. clubs, forums, etc. and it's a sad thing that you (and the courts for the most part) mistake freedom of choice with enforced homogeneity.
Dude, don't put words in my mouth. I never said anything about enforced homogeneity.

Funny thing about people, despite all the diversity propoganda in the media and universities, they tend to like to hang out with people they perceive as being similar to themselves. Look at us, we're a bunch of tarantula lovers who aren't concerned about gender, race, or religion, so here we are.
You make quite a few assumptions there. The fact that I post here says nothing about whether or not I'm concerned with gender, race, and religion. I post here because it's pretty hard to discuss tarantulas on a non tarantula related forum.

OTOH, women are a small slice of the tarantula keeping pie, a pie that is already tiny and largely misunderstood and shunned.
Shunned by who? I've seen no indication that they are shunned by the majority of tarantula keepers.

So why not give them their little bonding forum without a bunch of PC bs?
Because they already have one. And because I don't think they need one.

There's plenty of other places for people who don't care about being with tarantula keepers of the same gender to hang out
Absolutely. If I had the slightest interest in that forum, I would have read one or two posts.

so there's certainly no harm in any conceivable way.
And here's where we disagree. Excluding other people because they're black or men or gay or atheists does nothing but promote an atmosphere of enequity. It may not be illegal, but it's sure as hell wrong.


He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
When this same argument happened on the ATS and AW yahoo lists, I didn't understand it then and I still don't understand it. They're not keeping information from us as many of the members of the WTA are also on the ATS & AW lists as well as here on Arachnopets. What's so wrong if they want a place "without the testosterone"??? I think it's great that they have a place of their own, this way I don't have to read about anymore quilting projects ;) (that's tongue in cheek Dannye :) )

A better question is why everyone suddenly needs to be part of a group as soon as they are excluded from it?

I doubt most of the people complaining about not being allowed in wouldn't be interested if they were allowed in...

I say let them have their group and welcome to it :D



He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
I just wanted to add that I thought Elizabeth was great on the show. I thought that she did a wonderful job and I hope to see more of her on TV. Maybe a real show like Letterman that's filmed in NY, none of that LA junk... ;P



Old Timer
Nov 2, 2002

The thing is I don't know one woman off the internet that shares the same interest in spiders as me... It is a stereotype that spiders are a man's thing. It feels good to know you are not the only wench that likes spiders ;)


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2002
A better question is why everyone suddenly needs to be part of a group as soon as they are excluded from it? I doubt most of the people complaining about not being allowed in wouldn't be interested if they were allowed in...
You're darn right I wouldn't be interested if I were allowed in. I already said I'm not interested in what goes on over there.

But about the Leno show, there are three reasons why I didn't watch it.

1) I had to wake up early and I wanted to get a good night's sleep.

2) I just didn't really want to see it. I assumed Leno didn't really know much about tarantulas, and that this would result in me not really getting anything out of watching the show.

3)I hate Jay Leno.


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2002
Originally posted by Raveness

The thing is I don't know one woman off the internet that shares the same interest in spiders as me... It is a stereotype that spiders are a man's thing. It feels good to know you are not the only wench that likes spiders ;)
I don't know one man off of the internet who shares the same interest in spiders as I do.


Old Timer
Nov 2, 2002
Dude, you have been owned! Now! onto the next subject :rolleyes:

This was about the Jay Leno show not your insecurities.

Originally posted by whoami?
I don't know one man off of the internet who shares the same interest in spiders as I do.


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2002
Originally posted by Raveness
Dude, you have been owned! Now! onto the next subject :rolleyes:

This was about the Jay Leno show not your insecurities.
Yes, this was about the Leno show. However, I'm not the one who took the discussion off-topic. Once the discussion went off-topic, I had every reason to comment on what had already been posted. It you have a problem with that, then you should watch what you type.

Anyway, exactly how does not being a bigot make me insecure?

PS: I'm starting a new topic in WH. If you have something to say about bigotry, post it in WH.
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Old Timer
Sep 18, 2002
Originally posted by whoami?
Dude, don't put words in my mouth. I never said anything about enforced homogeneity.
I wouldn't say I was for homogeneity, but if I had a choice of being on a desert island with Madeleine Albright or Justin Timberlake, well I know which one I'd pick . . .