Very creative and funny! Great photos, too. Is that guy who dresses the dead roaches in tiny clothes and puts them in human poses, like playing cards or at the beach, a friend of yours? I'm sure you've seen his work. Yours is better. He poses dead, harmless insects. Sissy stuff. You, on the other hand, use live, moving, potentially dangerous arachnids. Big difference. And yours have storylines. Now you have to figure out how to get them into clothes and you'll really have something LOL.
How come that crazy sheep didn't make a cameo appearance?
There is little information available on the venom of L. m. as it is almost new to the hobby. But as for M. m., I would give a 3 out of 5.
I don't have enough for sale at the moment, but I will post an ad. soon once Earth tiger and I manage to get some more from the dealer. I'm so excited with this rare species and I hope the dealer won't keep me wait for tooo long. :8o
Thank you for your appreciation. I have never seen any of the work by that guy. Can you give me his name so that I can look it up from google or something? And thank you so much for your interesting advices on my future stories. I would think about it and take YOUR pedes to play the main roles. LOL
Want to see my photos? No problem. They are sold at 10-100 usd each(The price is adversely proportional to the outfit on. LOL). Any interest? :} =D
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