A picture would be great. Who did you happen to purchase this T from? Honestly I would love to know. If it is a true cross, I would suggest placing it in the freezer for about 1 hour just to make absolute sure.....:wall: :wall:I ended up with what I'm told is a red rump/curly hair cross. I can't find any info on it. Any body heard of such a thing?
Do you mind stating who, or providing a link for those of us that missed it?A dealer was actually selling these crosses on this forum, I'd say a few weeks ago. According to the seller, they bought a mature female that had already been bred to a male of the other species. The original owner did not think she was gravid, but she laid a sac for the new owner. I sent them a PM clearly stating my opinion on the matter. I never got a reply, but I'm assuming they got a number of PMs of the same nature as the ad was never put up again. If it was me, the whole sac would have been stuck in the freezer before they even had legs, but I'm not sure what happened to them.
I have to say, Im appalled.
Quite noble of you to take it in and keep it alive. Although hybrids are frowned upon it is more respectable to let it live and not kill it than deny it life after it's been born. It sucks that it had to exist as a hybrid but it's alive and there's no sense in killing it at this point.I will post pictures when I get home I am at work. I dont plan on killing it. i also dont plan on ever trying to breed it if its even possible. I did not purchase it it was given to me by a local reptile shop that didnt know what to do with it. I see everyones point and I understand it. Im pretty new to the hobby and was unaware of the seriousness of this. but that is why im here to learn. thx for all the input.
1) Dogs are trinomials - C. l. familiariscocker spaniel plus poodle equals cockapoo.....caucasion and negroid equals mullato
Um, someone didn't do their homework before they decided to speak. A domesticated dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a subspecies of the wolf (Canis lupus) - that is what trinomial nomenclature is. A chimp (Pan troglodytes) is in the same family (Hominidae) but it is a ways off from our genus (Homo).what about wolf /dog hybrids? they are much more different than a human compared to a chimp yet they seem popular? NOT ARGUING just wondering how that fits into it...
Hybrids generally are a product of captive care. In general, hybrids produced in captivity are due to people actively taking two species that would not breed with each other either because a) their ranges do not overlap or b) would not breed together in the wild due to behavioral or breeding behavior differences. We're not recreating something that would naturally occur in the wild when producing hybrids, we are unnaturally creating something that would never occur.I have meaning to ask about hybrids but was worried I was gonna get scorched by vicious T handlers, but here goes...what is the deal and why on earth do you think 'diluting bloodlines' in tarantula species is bad for anything but a hobbyist who wants a 'better' spider? if a couple of spiders met in the wild and made a sac that was fertile is mother nature doing a bad thing? and werent we awfully angry with hitler when he thought that purifying our bloodlines was a good thing....I see the point in wanting to know for sure what is what but really???? this seems really petty and not as detrimental as some make it sound( I am neither for or against just trying to make sense of this subject) cocker spaniel plus poodle equals cockapoo.....caucasion and negroid equals mullato and I really hope no one wants to put thier babies in a freezer to cleanse the bloodlines......