Escaped B.Smithi, help??


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
This is a bummer. This is part of the reason some people tell others they shouldn't handle their Ts. At the very least you should have had a lock on it, you can only trust yourself, you cannot trust others. For all you know, she could have fallen from your brother's hand and is bleeding to death somewhere.

She's a pretty decent size, hopefully she has a FAT abdomen because she can survive a LONG time without food, and decent amount of time without water provided it doesn't get too warm. At least you live in AZ, so it's not freezing their each night like in North Dakota etc.

You'll have to be careful when you lift things because she could be upside down on the object you are moving, no matter how close to the floor it originally is located. I'd keep all your mammals out of your room that's for sure both the ones w/2 legs and four legs. I'd also find a way to block the gap between your floor and the door assuming she's still in the room.

There's nothing you can do but keep looking.

Regardless of outcome you have learned a lesson and your cherished pet may have to pay with its life; your brother is not trustworthy at all in this area, and thus you need a lock for your Ts home.

I hope your other Ts don't become victims to your brother's dishonesty, good luck, they will need it without a lock.
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Jul 26, 2014
The tank she escaped from definitely had a locking lid but Dylan is eight and it was incredibly easy for him to figure it out. I don't lock my door nor do I force him to stay out of my room. Ever since I got my first T, he's had a wild infatuation with them so I always say "Whatever tarantulas I have, are yours as well. However, there are a few you can not hold and I don't want you touching them without me or mom present." The ones he can't hold have a "DO NOT TOUCH" label on them.
As for the photo with them all so close, the rose hairs generally just chill and so does Ravana (B. Smithi). I have no worries about them being close to one another, it was a picture for size comparison so, they were only together for a few seconds.
Thank you all for the advise. I never stopped looking for her but I woke up around 1am last night to get some water and there she was, walking across the loft. She is perfectly okay, nothing is wrong and no harm was done to her.


Jul 26, 2014
[/QUOTE] Regardless of outcome you have learned a lesson and your cherished pet may have to pay with its life; your brother is not trustworthy at all in this area, and thus you need a lock for your Ts home.

I hope your other Ts don't become victims to your brother's dishonesty, good luck, they will need it without a lock.[/QUOTE]

Please, do not talk about my brother in such a way. He is amazing and he made a mistake. I will not forbid him from touching my Ts, going in my room or even looking at my Ts. They are his as well and he loves them, he's young and made a mistake but he came clean about it and she is safe. That is all that matters.
Yes, I will keep him out of my room while I'm not there but that's it.

---------- Post added 02-08-2015 at 07:06 PM ----------

^ that was a total fail -_-
Damn Tapatalk xD
Thank you 14pokies!^~^


Oct 26, 2014
Regardless of outcome you have learned a lesson and your cherished pet may have to pay with its life; your brother is not trustworthy at all in this area, and thus you need a lock for your Ts home.

I hope your other Ts don't become victims to your brother's dishonesty, good luck, they will need it without a lock.[/QUOTE]

Please, do not talk about my brother in such a way. He is amazing and he made a mistake. I will not forbid him from touching my Ts, going in my room or even looking at my Ts. They are his as well and he loves them, he's young and made a mistake but he came clean about it and she is safe. That is all that matters.
Yes, I will keep him out of my room while I'm not there but that's it.

---------- Post added 02-08-2015 at 07:06 PM ----------

^ that was a total fail -_-
Damn Tapatalk xD
Thank you 14pokies!^~^[/QUOTE]

I'm incredibly glad that you found your little one. I admire your patience with your little brother and your love for him. I have a son who is turning five this week and he adores our tarantulas. He's never attempted to touch any of the tarantulas. He doesn't see us handle them, so he probably wouldn't think about trying to. My three largest and calmest NW's are on shelves at a level that he can sit on my bed and watch them. He helps build them habitats and names them. It's great that he's so interested in them. I imagine that the scare you've just had has probably taught your brother why it's important that you are with him and I doubt that he will forget or be tempted to do it again. It's always a good thing to hear when a potentially tragic situation has a happy ending.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
He did indeed show a lack of trustworthiness, as one would completely expect from an 8 year old...its not a slam, he's just 8.

You should have just taught him that they are not touching "pets"...look but don't touch, it works just fine with fish, and they don't have fangs and venom. Trust me, they will still be interesting. Its never too late to re-learn:wink: Many if not most bites are due to handling, most of those t's were deemed as very handleable prior to the bite.

I'm sure he's a great kid:wink:

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
Gotta add that "dishonesty' is a pretty strong word. He didn't get into her purse and steal her paycheck, he just did what kids do, got into something he shouldn't have when he shouldn't have. If he was a teenager, maybe he could be handed a little more heat for his lack of judgment, but at that age -eh.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
There's an exception to every rule 14...and not exactly the type of fish a kid has.
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Jul 26, 2014
I know it wasn't a slam, I just don't appreciate some perfect stanger talking about him that way.
He knows that most of the time, he isn't allowed to hold them. The reason he held them behind my back was due to this restriction. He's a kid and he ALWAYS asks to hold them simply because when I got my first, I didn't do much research, held it all the time and allowed him to as well. Now, I tell him It's a 'look but dont touch' pet and he says "but sissy, you used to hold Saw all the time!". It's a bit hard to explain to my little brother that his big sister didn't do any research on a creature before she got it while she's encouraging him to know the anatomy, behavioral habits, and symptoms of common illnesses of any pet before he buys it.
He is currently punishing himself for it. He said "I could have killed her! I'm not allowed in your room, I can't look at your babies nor will I even talk about them after this. Sissy, I'm so sorry! You don't ever have to forgive me for this.".


Oct 25, 2014
I know it wasn't a slam, I just don't appreciate some perfect stanger talking about him that way.
He knows that most of the time, he isn't allowed to hold them. The reason he held them behind my back was due to this restriction. He's a kid and he ALWAYS asks to hold them simply because when I got my first, I didn't do much research, held it all the time and allowed him to as well. Now, I tell him It's a 'look but dont touch' pet and he says "but sissy, you used to hold Saw all the time!". It's a bit hard to explain to my little brother that his big sister didn't do any research on a creature before she got it while she's encouraging him to know the anatomy, behavioral habits, and symptoms of common illnesses of any pet before he buys it.
He is currently punishing himself for it. He said "I could have killed her! I'm not allowed in your room, I can't look at your babies nor will I even talk about them after this. Sissy, I'm so sorry! You don't ever have to forgive me for this.".
If your really concerned about him doing it again read him some bite reports. Let him know that getting bit is a real possibility and that handling Ts is bad news.It sounds like he learned his lesson though...


Sep 18, 2014
I know it wasn't a slam, I just don't appreciate some perfect stanger talking about him that way.
He knows that most of the time, he isn't allowed to hold them. The reason he held them behind my back was due to this restriction. He's a kid and he ALWAYS asks to hold them simply because when I got my first, I didn't do much research, held it all the time and allowed him to as well. Now, I tell him It's a 'look but dont touch' pet and he says "but sissy, you used to hold Saw all the time!". It's a bit hard to explain to my little brother that his big sister didn't do any research on a creature before she got it while she's encouraging him to know the anatomy, behavioral habits, and symptoms of common illnesses of any pet before he buys it.
He is currently punishing himself for it. He said "I could have killed her! I'm not allowed in your room, I can't look at your babies nor will I even talk about them after this. Sissy, I'm so sorry! You don't ever have to forgive me for this.".
It really seems like you care for your younger brother a lot! Try to explain what would happen to him if he got bit when no one was around, there are reasons why scuba divers have "buddies" and race car drivers have a pit crew because there might just be that one time where you need that extra set of hands/eyes. It also seems like your brother is very remorseful which is a good starting place to curb his habit of handling when no one is around. You and your brother are still young and hey we all make mistakes.

Im glad you found your T before it harmed someone or before it was harmed.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
I know it wasn't a slam, I just don't appreciate some perfect stanger talking about him that way.
He knows that most of the time, he isn't allowed to hold them. The reason he held them behind my back was due to this restriction. He's a kid and he ALWAYS asks to hold the
Maybe your brother wouldn't appreciate you airing out his business on the internet.

My objective observation of him was based on your own words.

It would be no different than if you wrote "my little brother eats a lot of candy", and I wrote "he has a sweet a tooth"

It's just a fact, whether he has a sweet tooth or exhibited dishonest behavior, nothing more, nothing less.

If you don't want strangers talking about your family, even on a FACTUAL basis, don't involve them in your posts on a public forum.
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Nov 8, 2012
Fact is T's shouldn't be handled, the kids learnt his lesson, the T was found. Job done. Let's not get into yet another argument...(which I can see this inevitably turning into.)


Jul 26, 2014
It really seems like you care for your younger brother a lot! Try to explain what would happen to him if he got bit when no one was around, there are reasons why scuba divers have "buddies" and race car drivers have a pit crew because there might just be that one time where you need that extra set of hands/eyes. It also seems like your brother is very remorseful which is a good starting place to curb his habit of handling when no one is around. You and your brother are still young and hey we all make mistakes.

Im glad you found your T before it harmed someone or before it was harmed.
That's perfect, thank you so much! I'll definitely explain the possibility of him getting bit and how bad it could be. (I haven't because he loves them and I don't want him to be afraid but I believe It's time.)
Those comparisons are great, we go to see races almost every weekend so, I'm sure he'd understand the pit crew comparison the best.

Tarantula Fangs

Sep 23, 2014
The tank she escaped from definitely had a locking lid but Dylan is eight and it was incredibly easy for him to figure it out. I don't lock my door nor do I force him to stay out of my room. Ever since I got my first T, he's had a wild infatuation with them so I always say "Whatever tarantulas I have, are yours as well. However, there are a few you can not hold and I don't want you touching them without me or mom present." The ones he can't hold have a "DO NOT TOUCH" label on them.
As for the photo with them all so close, the rose hairs generally just chill and so does Ravana (B. Smithi). I have no worries about them being close to one another, it was a picture for size comparison so, they were only together for a few seconds.
Thank you all for the advise. I never stopped looking for her but I woke up around 1am last night to get some water and there she was, walking across the loft. She is perfectly okay, nothing is wrong and no harm was done to her.
I told you you'd find her at night!!! lol


May 4, 2014
Lol, viper-looks like you relate to getting the guilt from older siblings. Recent wound perhaps....
Do nothing to discourage your little brother's interest in your collection. Today's killers are tomorrow's keepers. I've 'loved' many a creature to death before I understood their needs.


Oct 11, 2014
I never stopped looking for her but I woke up around 1am last night to get some water and there she was, walking across the loft. She is perfectly okay, nothing is wrong and no harm was done to her.
Great news! Congratulations.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Lol, viper-looks like you relate to getting the guilt from older siblings. Recent wound perhaps....
Do nothing to discourage your little brother's interest in your collection. Today's killers are tomorrow's keepers. I've 'loved' many a creature to death before I understood their needs.

Horan, you assumed too much in the above, you couldn't be more wrong about my family there haha. My friends and family would laugh if they read that one hahaha.

I've never been blamed for something I didn't do, and I have never knowingly blamed someone for something they didn't do either.