i had an A. hentzi that got out all the time. it was an aquarium with a homemade screen cover. that spider drove my mom crazy. they (my parents) woke me in the middle of the night because the t was on my pillow by my head! they wouldnt catch it. and 20 years into the future.... my son's rosie got out because he forgot to lock the cage. i found it two or three weeks later behind a guitar that was leaning on one of my amps. i didn't know that rosies were such good climbers! oh, between my sons and i we have 18 t's and climbing.
I had a half inch A. purpurea loose in my room for two weeks once last summer. It escaped from a crack in the kritter keeper lid. I keep 25(ish) tarantulas, and have been keeping tarantulas since 2004.
My snake is still on the lose. For the second time. It's been about a month now.
Have got 8 Tarantula slings.
Relatively new to keeping T's. All my airing holes are roughly the same size, good 1/4 size of the Tarantula's body. Had my first escape this morning.
First of all it climbed the plastic wall which is 10 times higher than he is, then he squeezed through a hole that not even the flies I feed him get through.
Real mindboggling mistery but I can see how there are so many escapes because of this.
1 escape, 20 spiders...I think I had 10 at the time though. Been keeping spiders on and off for 11 years now.
I had a P.cancerides push the lid off her enclosure (4x4 lucite cube) I found her on the floor near the dresser she was on. Those cubes are handy, but certainly not escape proof. If the lid isn't a tight fit, I usually put something on top to weigh it down.
Thus far, one escape with less than 50 T's (only 23). A. metallica (or whatever) was able to squeeze out of her cage... BUT, she went and rested right at its base. She didn't even come to a point where she WASN'T in contact with the cage. LOL. Boy, was I relieved!
We have had 3 escapes, and all 3 happened when we were somewhat new to the hobby, and were just stupid. The first was a GBB juvie, the second was an A. purpurea sling during rehousng, and the third was a very small B. emilia that somehow didn't get its top back on securely.
We recaptured all but the little emilia.
40 T's. No Escapes during 1½-2 years, except for a centipede.
I often put up 5-10 boxes with T's on the table, open them and put the lids close by. Then exit the room and goes to collect roaches. I might be gone or fixing about with stuff for up to about 30 minutes having the open T boxes virtually unguarded and they never leave. Often I see them climbing on the edge of the box/jar/cup but extremely seldom do they cross the edge. Then I feed them and have them open for another 20 minutes or so, whatching them eat.
There are one or two T's that never settled in their home, and THEY tend to be willing to leave as soon as the lid is off. But they need to be rehoused obviously. It seems to me a satisfied T stays at home. Well, I wouldn't know if they'd stay put a whole night, and I'm not about to find out.
-Mature Male P rufilata. Hid in our bathrooms wall fan, stopped the blade from running to go in and out was able to pry open the loosely made plexiglass enclosure he was in. I recaptured him
Now resides at Tarantula Canada where he fathered their next rufi batch (buy from that one, I can confirm that the genetics are outstanding:worship: )
-Juvenile female H incei that I found dead in the middle of my living room with its enclosure still locked shut... never understood what happened.
On the other hand, I left my irminia's cage open for an overnight (distracted I presume) and when I found out he was chilling out right beside the opening.
Silk leftovers showed me that the bugger had a walk around, but preferred to come back home!!!
Hi I have been keeping T's for 12 years. I have had a few escapes.
The one that my family always talks about was about 5 years ago.
I had to move my collection to my moms for a few weeks do to a move.
One day while i was at work My 11" T. blondi pushed its lid off and tried to help my mom with the laundry.lol My mom tried to close the dryer door but it keep poping back open. When she looked inside..... Needless to say she was not very happy with me lol
it'll be two years next month, counting from when i got my first T, and i have 7 currently. i've only had one "escape" so far: my P. rufilata, which bolted onto the outside of the container during a transfer. i'm not sure if it would count or not because i had complete control of the situation.
-Mature Male P rufilata. Hid in our bathrooms wall fan, stopped the blade from running to go in and out was able to pry open the loosely made plexiglass enclosure he was in. I recaptured him
Was that the music loving pokie that hid in the speaker?
I've been keeping T for a little over a year. Got 8 of the home and I've had only 1 escape. A. Seemani went for a little walk when she found the home wasn't properly closed. Didn't go far thought!
I have about 40 Ts and have only had one T escape. Got my first in about 1978 (sorry I can't calculate how long ago that was right now ). However, he escaped several times . He was a G. rosea and was an escape artist and got out at every opportunity and always went to the same place. Down the stairs and into the back of a dog kennel. He would never seem to move and then you'd look and he'd be gone, once during maint., once due to leaving the latch off of his tank and several other times as well. Oh well, he's gone now and I've never had another get out.
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