ENTIRE collection disposed of !!!


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
Wow.... just .... wow. I've been paying close attention to this thread. I would have been thoroughly hurt and angry. My mom has done similar to a bunch of my 6/8 legged critters before I got into tarantulas. She just assumed it was a phase and I would "get over it." Needless to say, she's kind of figured my interests in these animals are not going to go away.

I just can't fathom doing physical or any other harm to another being, relative or not, even as insensitive as this act was. I, however, have been known in high school for my passive-aggressive tactics. You know, itching powder used to be made with urticating hairs (hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge) ;) {D

I would try to calmly talk to her to let her know that those were not just things to you.
I was reallly mad when I read the post, so I had a lot of steam to blow out LOL


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
Your love and devotion of our beloved 8 legged children isn't a bad thing, Rob.
Bianca, I'm glad you got the babies I sent to you, I know you will love and cherish them and I know they couldn't ask for a better home.
I suggest your forget your grandmother, she is a hateful, evil old woman who will end up alone and lonely. You get back from the world what you put forth in it, and she will get her evil, hurtful, thoughtless acts returned to her.

Miss Bianca

Old Timer
May 14, 2008
Your love and devotion of our beloved 8 legged children isn't a bad thing, Rob.
Bianca, I'm glad you got the babies I sent to you, I know you will love and cherish them and I know they couldn't ask for a better home.
I suggest your forget your grandmother, she is a hateful, evil old woman who will end up alone and lonely. You get back from the world what you put forth in it, and she will get her evil, hurtful, thoughtless acts returned to her.
I agree with this totally, and have chosen to forget about her
(as far as a relationship is concerned).
I am not fully decided on sueing but haven't ruled it out...

which is great considering at first I wanted to search for a colony of bedbugs
or fleas/ticks. I am slowly on the road to recovery here and have started a
beautiful and humble new collection. (One that includes my first pokie!!! :D)

Thank you all that have written me with kind words and also those that had
offers. I appreciate you all. :)


Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
I was reallly mad when I read the post, so I had a lot of steam to blow out LOL
Everybody here feels the same way about it, and has expressed it in their own way. You said what you needed to, Rob, and you're right. A family is supposed to love and respect you. I don't even want to think about what I'd do if the same thing happened to me.

Congrats on the new collection, Miss Bianca. Karma seems to have really smiled on you for taking this in stride.

Miss Bianca

Old Timer
May 14, 2008
Didn't want to start a new thread because it isn't an announcement,
and the pictures aren't really worthy of a separate thread,
so I bought this one back from the dead...

Some pics of my humble and growing new collection..

This is how I have them now, 1"+ tarantulas in blue containers,
and 2-3" in green containers..
bigger ones have Exo-terra breeder boxes until I can improve on enclosures,
because I got a pretty overwhelming response,
(which was great :D ) plus the ones I have purchased..
(and still getting more.. I have empties ready for those)

I have about double what's shown here, after just a month..

Slings under 3/4" are kept this way..

My new A. geniculata, Pina Agria (means sour pineapple)

Measurement poses the day got her (crappy pics)

Here is an A. seemanni that made a super-elaborate burrow.. 2.5" looks male..

My RCF rosea MM, who is my only specimen from the collection I lost..

My new G. rosea "Cocoa".. she was just bluffing.. wouldn't hurt a fly ;)

P. regalis I got just this week, bigger than expected... always good..

Thank you again everyone!!

Wayne, Mike, Tom, Lu, Jason, Hannah, TJ, Mina, Josh, Joe, John, Rob, Waldo, Alex,
Anastasia, Fredster, David, Spyder,
and anyone else I'm forgetting because I'm on 2hr sleep from last night!!
I could never thank you enough... and to everyone else who has yet to ship
or incubate a sac, you guys rock :)
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Old Timer
Dec 18, 2007
What does she mean "thrown out?!" She threw them in the garbage? My god It just horrifies me how thoughtless, careless, and just outright DUMB some people can be!

Does your granny have cats or something? Why don't you dump those off in the middle of some remote location without her knowledge and see how she reacts to that, eh?!

EDIT: I, too, am living with my granny because my college is close to her place. Looks like I better keep a closer watch on my Budgett's frog, which I keep up there with me...

Next time you should get something like a big lionfish. Large, HEAVY tank that cannot be moved. And if she tries to pick the animal itself somehow...OUCHIE!!! LOL!
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Old Timer
Jan 28, 2009
Sorry for your loss, when I first read it, I had tears. Congrats on your new and ever growing collection, good to see your happy again.


Old Timer
Dec 30, 2008
WOW. There is hope for humanity. Pretty soon your collection is going to be so big with freebies that you wont have to buy anything. :)


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
I know! I bet her collection is bigger now than it was before! :}


Old Timer
Jul 30, 2008
Glad to see so many wonderful people helping you get back on your feet. I also love the picture of that freshly molted roach getting munched on!


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
LOL 'Sour Pineapple' That is great. Very suitable name for a genic. Mine is insane for her water dish, guards it with her life. I'm still waiting on a B. albopilosum sac, I haven't forgotten you!

You've got an awesome new collection, and yes, there IS still hope for humanity, and the proof is in this thread.


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2007
So, how many do you have now? :)

ETA: To whoever sent spiders, you people are awesome. I am warmed by your kindness.

Miss Bianca

Old Timer
May 14, 2008
Sorry for your loss, when I first read it, I had tears. Congrats on your new and ever growing collection, good to see your happy again.
its great to see your collection a new!
Thank you kindly :eek: I am truly happy now...
so happy in fact with this newfound faith in karma,
that I have decided not to stir the soup anymore (sue)..
I will trust life to take care of the old hag...-errr... of my dad's mom I mean {D

WOW. There is hope for humanity. Pretty soon your collection is going to be so big with freebies that you wont have to buy anything. :)
Except supplies! August's budget spending funds went in shipping amounts and in supplies.. not that I mind :)

I know! I bet her collection is bigger now than it was before! :}
It is!! It's doubled!

Glad to see so many wonderful people helping you get back on your feet. I also love the picture of that freshly molted roach getting munched on!
Awesome huh? I thought so too... extra chewy, LOL

LOL 'Sour Pineapple' That is great. Very suitable name for a genic. Mine is insane for her water dish, guards it with her life. I'm still waiting on a B. albopilosum sac, I haven't forgotten you!

You've got an awesome new collection, and yes, there IS still hope for humanity, and the proof is in this thread.
Thank you Audrey... muy amable :)

So, how many do you have now? :)

ETA: To whoever sent spiders, you people are awesome. I am warmed by your kindness.
I'm at 44... until next week... the new estimated amount by the 1st is probably about 60. (Yes!- Some of the packages are surprise packages! :D )

I...just cant believe that a family member would do that.
I still can't either... it really was hard to process
(not to sound repetitive..)
But thankfully I am moving on... with my new additions




Old Timer
Sep 2, 2009
I mean i can understand some one doing that...that dosent understand spiders or is possibly frightend by them, But u just cant throw peoples stuff away like that, regardless if it is a spider or a goldfish they were your pets and you were emotionally attached to them. I am glad everything is going to work out for you, i know that feeling you get when somthing goes missing or somthing is stolen taken from you and it really sucks!


Sep 8, 2009
:mad: :mad: :mad: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I can't believe that!

Your entire collection was thrown out!!!!!!!??????

I would be soooo pissed if that ever happened.

I have about 5 different breeding projects going on, I'll make sure to save 2 slings from each sac for you, free of charge.

God, I can't believe that.
wow things like that rlly show you what kind of community we have here :)


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2009
I'm still amazed by this thread and how everybody came together. I knew that many people in this hobby are very generous with their freebies and discounts that they give out, but this really tops anything that I have ever seen.


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
This last part of the thread made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :eek:

If I had a helluva a lot of slings I would have loved to donate. All well, hopefully if I can breed any of mine in the future I can help out another like so many have done here.

Some people might think we have a weird hobby, but at least lots of us have good souls. :8o :clap: