Egg Sac question

Al Muoio

Old Timer
Sep 8, 2002
What is it? Egg sac?

I shined a light down my G. rosea's burrow and saw her sitting on a large round and whitish object. She was kinda fiddleing with it. It looked to be about 1 - 1 1/2 inches wide. Could this be an egg sac or maybe a molt. She was doing something with it. My rosea is about 4". What the heck is this thing?
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He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
How long have you had your tarantula for? Was she wild caught? and finally, has she molted while you have had her? If she is WC and has not molted since you've had her, it is quite possible that that may be a viable eggsac that she has with her. Can you tell if there is a significant decrease in her abdomen size? Was she abnormally large the last time you saw her? If it's a large white sac that she is fiddling with, chances are that it is indeed an eggsac. If you want them to possibly hatch, you may want to increase the humidity a bit in the enclosure so that the eggs don't dessicate. You should also disturb her as little as possible. You may want to move the enclosure to somewhere that no one goes os that she won't be disturbed by anyone walking around.

Hope that helps some,


Al Muoio

Old Timer
Sep 8, 2002
possible egg sac

I believe she was wild caught. I only had her about 1 month. She ate, stayed out for a then made a burrow. She stayed down there for two weeks. She just opened up the door and came out for a drink then went back down but now I can see her in that part of burrow.