Eauthlus species red enclouser


Feb 18, 2017
This might sound slightly similar to my previous post but my question is with eauthlus species red 1/4" do you think it's fine to have just 1 hole? Also, do you guys use moisted substrate or bonedry? Problem I had with bonedry is sling cannot burrow because substrate isn't hard enough. Since that I use moisted substrate should I poke more holes on vial than just having 1 hole on entire vial? I find these questions pretty educating that way newcomers can find answers if in similar situations

johnny quango

Old Timer
May 17, 2013
I always use moist substrate for slings as they are more likely to dehydrate than adult counterparts and yes I would have more than one hole for ventilation as the air will be humid and you may find you have issues which could ultimately lead to a dead tarantula


Oct 9, 2016
This species likes to dig/move around substrate. I used topsoil that I really packed down tightly for mine with one starter hole close to one side of the enclosure so I could see what the spider was doing. This was among the very first tarantulas that I owned, so its enclosure was way bigger than necessary. Looking back, however, I would probably do the same thing when I buy a new one. I was able to see its natural behaviour, tunneling through the substrate.

Personally, I keep my tarantulas under the same conditions as adult ones without adding extra moist for slings. I only owned 7 tarantulas in total so far, so what do I know? ;) IME, this species prefers its substrate dry and I let the substrate dry out completely. Just be sure that you always provide a water dish with fresh water (a bottle cap in this case).

Using packed down topsoil, even if it dries out it will not easily collapse. I ended op with one dry chunk of earth and the tarantula did not have any difficulties sculpting his way through it.

Success with this species. Euathlus sp red is an amazing spider and I am sad to see my mature male to near his expiration date. I definitely will buy another one! :)

Red Eunice

Old Timer
Mar 2, 2014
This might sound slightly similar to my previous post but my question is with eauthlus species red 1/4" do you think it's fine to have just 1 hole? Also, do you guys use moisted substrate or bonedry? Problem I had with bonedry is sling cannot burrow because substrate isn't hard enough. Since that I use moisted substrate should I poke more holes on vial than just having 1 hole on entire vial? I find these questions pretty educating that way newcomers can find answers if in similar situations
Good ventilation should have more than 1 hole. IMO. Poke, drill or melt a few more holes, w/o the T in the enclosure, of course.
As far as the sub, slightly moist, even w/h a water cap inside. I've yet to keep a sling, of any species, on dry substrate. Now once they're juveniles, depending on the species, the substrate may be kept dry.


Jan 12, 2016
so its enclosure was way bigger than necessary. Looking back, however, I would probably do the same thing when I buy a new one
I keep my 2cm sling bigger as well. It seems this is a species that actually uses the ehole enclosure, tunneling, excavating. And it helps because she always tries to walk out of her tub. The only time she didn't was when she had just molted.
@SuleymanC , I keep the substrate a bit damp on one side and dry on the other. She always sits/is more busy on the damp part though. One ventilation hole is not enough. Maybe post picture of the enclosure?
Lovely little creature, very enjoyable species to keep :). Can be a little finicky with food, and grow reaaaally slow.