They're selling 2nd and 3rd, but I'll see what they still have available when the expo opens! ThanksMealworms and tiny dubia are my go to feeders for slings. I have a colony of both. Op ask the seller for Instar.
Update: set up a much tinier enclosure in a little dessert glass with a plastic lid (with holes poked in).
But, I have a question. Does anyone have a photo of a regular American 'deli cup' (whatever you refer to when you talk about keeping slings in deli cups) in hand or measured? I'm looking into them to try and compare but they seem to come in various sizes, and I am having trouble finding one with a human hand (or anything) in the picture to get a sense of scale.
Final update! I THINK this is a 2nd instar. They even offered a first, if I wasn't mistaken (language barrier, a bit). Anyway, thanks a ton for the advice, because BOY did I overestimate how big the little guy would be! It's barely a fingernail's width. Given the universal "that's way too big" feedback, I was prepared with a much, much smaller enclosure. Even that's a -tad- large, but not so much I think it will get lost. I am very happy with my species choice, too. My first rehouse went perfectly smoothly, and the spider's quite docile, but the moment my back was turned for a second (to get the water for the shell dish) it decided to crawl back out again. I put my hand down and it quite happily wandered onto my palm and sat for a few moments. I caught a brief clip of it as it started to explore my hand again, then I returned it to the container without issue. It apparently molted "a few weeks ago" so it's now time for me to be a hover parent (without interfering, of course) and panic about every single thing the spider does. Wish me (and the spiderling) luck!
Here's the original enclosure next to the far smaller one I'd prepared--a little glass dessert jar with a tight-fitting plastic cap, with tiny holes poked in:

Sling size, it's on the left:

And obligatory "very gentle baby walking:"
View attachment Baby Spider.mp4