E.campestratus slig HELP!!!!


Old Timer
Apr 5, 2003
Hey guys

i just went to check on my new T's (its been a week now!) and i saw my new .camp huddled up in the hiding place (an opaque shotglass) -- normally s/he's out and walking or moving, but this time, no.. i originally thought "sweet, molt time", but nothing -- not in molt position in any way -- very distorted body..

do i finally poked and prodded her/him out, and s/he was VERY unreponsive and sluggish -- i looked for abdomen splits or anything (even a tiny one), butnothing. I dont think , s/he was molting at all!

and then i realised that its been a week and s/he still hasnt eaten anything -- i've tried feeding small crickets, but nothing. I think s/he may want some smaller food.. but now s/he is very sluggish and unreponsive to air or the paintbrush... if you poke her/him, nothing -- finally i got her/him back in to the cage, where s/he perked up a bit, but VERY unresponsive -- anyone have any tips or help in regs to E.campestratus slings?

they're such beauties!!!


PICS are here: the cutest E.campestratus sling PICS!!


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
Leave it for a bit longer. My baby B. emilia refused food for 2 weeks before she finally moulted. Both my emilia and A. geniculata go into hide phase when they're in premoult. Really unresponsive.

Edit - Is your humidity high enough? They find it hard to move when it's too low.


Old Timer
Apr 5, 2003
Hey lostkat --

Thanks mate - and yes, the humidity's high enough. i do this thing when i notice that any of my T's (that need it) are premoult-- i have a little small fan mounted about 3 feet above the cages (in the moult part of my T-room) and i mist the cages a little bit and then i take paper towels that are ABSORBANT (not like the school kind) and wet them with some warm water, and i place them around the tops of the cages, covering all the air vents.. i let the fan blow on it (oscillating fan), and i find that this not only raises the humidity, but also the water droplet count in the air. Its like a after a good rain, and all that water is sitting on the plants and trees and ground, diffusing through everything..

so i did that and hopeufully it will work. Ive never had an E.campestratus, but s/he's already won my heart -- a beaut, mate! even my rugger friends think she's beautiful!

thanks for the help. I hope i didnt disturb her and put the kiss of death on her in 2 weeks.

thats the worst, disturbing a T when theyre starting to moult -- man..

im worried.
alright thanks


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2002
here's an idea that works for me. I have 6 small slings of E. camp. and keeping them moist is a pain cuz u don't want to put too much water in the little vial. So I put all the vials in a plastic cup and add a lot of water in the cup and close it with lid. remember to add air holes.


Old Timer
Apr 5, 2003
Hmm, thats a good idea, but i keep her in her own cage - - its pretty small, one of the smallest Kritter Kages or whatever.I mean,she's big enough to fit in a Tablespoon,and she molted on 3.17.03 , so its almost been a month...

i can snap a pic of her cage -- if you think it might be too big. I'm very interested in this species.... i dont want her to die though... i mean her cage is barely one hand tall and barely one hand long and barely a half a hand wide...

id be interested in buying another, maybe older, E.camp...
