Don't think all road kill is dead!

Texas Blonde

Old Timer
Dec 2, 2003
I KNEW it! Oh man, I'm scared to go out there. Was that "really" road kill? ..ha.

Yeah, actually it was. I found it when I was out riding on bike with a friend of mine. I hadnt seen a javalina in our area in years, and really wanted the head, so I dragged it off into the bushes, marked the spot with some rocks, and went to get my truck. Then we went to and got my truck, drove an hour back, and cut the head off. I felt so bad for my friend though, I think I really scared him. There are pictures of me with the head, but they arent that great. They dont show all the bloody chunks that got in my hair from when I was chopping through the spine. {D


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
Well I knew it was road kill, I was just kidding around as if you might have tackled it and whacked it's head off:rolleyes: . Ha, your friend ..."stay calm, ..stay calm and just be real nice to her, like everything is normal and I might make it home..." haha. I gagged a few times when I skinned the skunk. I was using a hose to breath through my mouth. But I forgot and breathed through my nose a few times ...not good:( when you're that close, it smells diff that close.

Texas Blonde

Old Timer
Dec 2, 2003
Well I knew it was road kill, I was just kidding around as if you might have tackled it and whacked it's head off:rolleyes: . Ha, your friend ..."stay calm, ..stay calm and just be real nice to her, like everything is normal and I might make it home..." haha. I gagged a few times when I skinned the skunk. I was using a hose to breath through my mouth. But I forgot and breathed through my nose a few times ...not good:( when you're that close, it smells diff that close.

Something must be wrong with my nose, cause rotting flesh doesnt smell bad to me. Actually, half the time it smells kinda good. And I like the smell of skunk too, even when its fairly strong.


Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
Ya know, the other guys here are gonna lynch me for causing you to change your avatar. And I deserve it.
Jut promise that when they are finished, you'll remove my head with dignity.


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
Ya know, the other guys here are gonna lynch me for causing you to change your avatar. And I deserve it.
Jut promise that when they are finished, you'll remove my head with dignity.
We will just lay your carcass out on some rural Texas road for Sky to find.. Im sure she will use the utmost respect as she dismembers you.


Old Timer
Sep 9, 2007
Yeah, actually it was. I found it when I was out riding on bike with a friend of mine. I hadnt seen a javalina in our area in years, and really wanted the head, so I dragged it off into the bushes, marked the spot with some rocks, and went to get my truck. Then we went to and got my truck, drove an hour back, and cut the head off. I felt so bad for my friend though, I think I really scared him. There are pictures of me with the head, but they arent that great. They dont show all the bloody chunks that got in my hair from when I was chopping through the spine. {D

You are sick....... and I love it. I'm glad I'm not the only one that does this sort of thing.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
In the 1979 I had a job in Texas where I was on the road early every morning. I would pick up dead fox, coyote, bobcat and skin them out and keep the skulls. I my plan with the coyotes was to make a quilt. I had a bunch in a freezer in the garage and the motor on the freezer broke. One day I smelled this smell and I was thinking what died. I searched everywhere thinking a rat had died or something, then a streak of fear went through me.
I opened the UPRIGHT freezer and all this gook gushed all over me and the floor. It smelled so bad it could knock a buzzard off a meat wagon and all the pelts were ruined, and the smell was in my nostrils for along time.


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
OH MAN! That's disgusting ...awesome! I wish I could have seen that. That's sounds about as nasty as it can get. Man that's gross. I think you had a good idea though, making a quilt. I collected like that for a few weeks and then just lost interest. I mean if you can use part of the body there, might as well. That was in the late 70's, or early 80's. The only thing I have left is a coon skin on my garage wall. This thread got off topic a little didn't it... It went from things that survived an incident to stuff that didn't. Well, I have two other brothers and we had dogs and cats that survived living with us, haha. One of the worst things I did when I was a kid was get my parent's poodle drunk. I know I shouldn't have done it but I did AND I let it drink too much. I got really worried ...but it made it:eek: . I never did that again!


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
OH MAN! That's disgusting ...awesome! I wish I could have seen that. That's sounds about as nasty as it can get. Man that's gross. I think you had a good idea though, making a quilt. I collected like that for a few weeks and then just lost interest. I mean if you can use part of the body there, might as well. That was in the late 70's, or early 80's. The only thing I have left is a coon skin on my garage wall. This thread got off topic a little didn't it... It went from things that survived an incident to stuff that didn't. Well, I have two other brothers and we had dogs and cats that survived living with us, haha. One of the worst things I did when I was a kid was get my parents poodle drunk. I know I shouldn't have done it but I did AND I let it drink too much. I got really worried ...but it made it:eek: . I never did that again!
lol, yip..dee...yip yip.dee......bbrraaapppp