What is the difference between the emperor and asian forest scorp? I know they both look the same but what are their major differences if any? Is the asian more defensive? Are the asians communal?
Now I think about, I realized I never really wondered that. The main difference is that Heterometrus has more granulation on the body and most(all?) Heterometrus don't have the red telson. Heterometrus are more aggresive than P. imperator, and all scorpions are communal until they aren't. Feed them well and give them room and they'll be fine.
For starters they are both of different genus and occupy differnt regions. Heterometrus are normally slightly more aggressive, and for the most part more active than emperors. With little exception heterometrus and an emperor grow to the same size, and generally are indistinguishable by a novice viewer. This isn't always true being some heterometrus can be colorful. Subtle differences like granulation patterns and telson color occur, but that is not only limited to differences between heterometrus and emperors but also emperors and the rest of the genus pandinus.
They are also quite similar also, they both are members of the family Scorpionidae, require extremely similar care, grow and develop similarly and as previously state, can sometimes be indistinguishable to someone who doesn't know what they are looking at.
None of these are indicators to differentiate between the two. Heterometrus ranges from very smooth claws, caprice and a dark telson (ex. H laoticus) to a very granulated caprice and dark and amber colored telson (ex. H spinifer). Others include extremely granulation on the pediplaps and a light colored telson (ex. H xanthopus).
This is just for starters though, there are probaly many more.
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