Desirae: My Psycho P. cambridgei Finally Molted.......

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Well Ariel, looks like our Psycho Psalmo tandem molting tradition continues, LOL!!!!!!! :p

Just got home and checked......

Even armed with Hellfire and Holy Water, there is NO way I am going in there to retrieve her molt just yet........She hasn't eaten in almost three weeks, and is just waiting to kill something. :D


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
Thats crazy that yalls T's are molting around the same time each time.. Congrats on the molt there Steve! :D

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Thats crazy that yalls T's are molting around the same time each time.. Congrats on the molt there Steve! :D
Thanks Tommy.......Isn't that wild???? I see her thread a couple hours ago while out and about, and post via iPhone. Then I come home, and found out mine had molted too!!!! Last time, our Psalmos molted within a couple days of each other......this time the seperation was by a matter of hours, LOL. :cool:


Oct 25, 2009
That's crazy. I was just reading Ariel's thread and then I saw yours saying yours molted! Thats crazy, congrats though. Good luck keeping your fingers around her now if she is as hungry as you think.{D


Dec 17, 2009
yeah i saw that thread today about her cambridgei molting. maybe your guys t's are from the same mommy?:confused:

anyway even though i can hardly see her, she looks like a beaut!

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
That's crazy. I was just reading Ariel's thread and then I saw yours saying yours molted! Thats crazy, congrats though. Good luck keeping your fingers around her now if she is as hungry as you think.{D
Thanks!!! Yeah, it is crazy.....once is coincidence, but twice in a row????

This is one little bug I definately watch my fingers around, LOL!!!! All the temperamant of my S. cal, with half the venom times!!!!

yeah i saw that thread today about her cambridgei molting. maybe your guys t's are from the same mommy?:confused:

anyway even though i can hardly see her, she looks like a beaut!
Thanks!!! She's a looker, that's for sure....though I doubt Ariel and I got our girls from the same sac. Hers is substantially smaller, if I remember correctly. Also, I got mine from Paul Becker, and (correct me if I'm wrong, Ariel) she got hers from Terry Westfall.


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
Is it just my house or do all the evil psycho pets have the longer life span? I had a white dwarf hamster(name went from Frosty to Satan within days) who lived 6 years! I've never had a hampster before him live past 2. Next we had a tail-lashing iguana that lived an additional 2 years than I thought they were supposed to. Sounds like Desirae could become an addition to your will. {D

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Is it just my house or do all the evil psycho pets have the longer life span? I had a white dwarf hamster(name went from Frosty to Satan within days) who lived 6 years! I've never had a hampster before him live past 2. Next we had a tail-lashing iguana that lived an additional 2 years than I thought they were supposed to. Sounds like Desirae could become an addition to your will. {D
Nah....I'll outlive Desi for sure, unless she actually manages to kill me, LOL. My B. smithi, on the other hand.......{D


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
This is just insane!!!! I just got home and saw this thread. That is just hilarious. {D{D{D and ya, I don't think we got them from the same sac, I got mine from T inc, though I thought they were around the same size... How big was Desirae before she molted? River was around 3" before she molted, maybe a little bigger.

wow....I can't get over this lol

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
This is just insane!!!! I just got home and saw this thread. That is just hilarious. {D{D{D and ya, I don't think we got them from the same sac, I got mine from T inc, though I thought they were around the same size... How big was Desirae before she molted? River was around 3" before she molted, maybe a little bigger.

wow....I can't get over this lol
Let me tell you how stunned I was to see that when I got home. Especially after posting in your thread earlier........

Desi was pretty close to 4.5" before she molted. I'm hoping for a bit more attitude to go with the size!!! :p

And yeah, I'm with you......can't get over it either, LOL!!!! Twice in a row......maybe our T's are getting online after we go to bed: "Ok, when he opens the cage, chase after the hand, and watch him jump!! It's great fun, I do it all the time!!!" {D


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Creepy! LOL

Okay, not creepy.. but pretty cool!

Congrats on the molt... good luck getting it out though :p

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Creepy! LOL

Okay, not creepy.. but pretty cool!

Congrats on the molt... good luck getting it out though :p
Thanks!!! It is strange, isn't it??? She is not going to give it up easy, either........the clever little psychopath has positioned herself and the molt in such a way that I will be on the worse end of things should I even attempt it. Partially my bad cage design, and alot of clever home design on her part, LOL.

Considering that it's not my S. cal (which I have to rehouse soon :eek:), I'm sure I could survive the reprecussions of her wrath long enough for you to get up here and check my idiot ass out of the bite ward, LOL. But look on the bright side.....we'll have a rehousing party and an S. cal to get bitten by afterwords!!!! :p


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Sounds perfect! Things To Do in Portland..

1. Get Steve out of bite ward
2. Rehousing party (we have to invite Jake and his pokies, I said I'd help LOL)
3. Group suicide, via S. cal

I'll bring chips! :D lol


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Let me tell you how stunned I was to see that when I got home. Especially after posting in your thread earlier........

Desi was pretty close to 4.5" before she molted. I'm hoping for a bit more attitude to go with the size!!! :p

And yeah, I'm with you......can't get over it either, LOL!!!! Twice in a row......maybe our T's are getting online after we go to bed: "Ok, when he opens the cage, chase after the hand, and watch him jump!! It's great fun, I do it all the time!!!" {D
I can only imagine {D

So River was smaller then, I don't know how accurate I am saying 3" but I know she wasn't bigger than 4".

LOL must be. With mini T-laptops. I'll bet mine was hiding it in the corkbark, I used the same peices from her last enclosure. :}{D


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
I can only imagine {D

So River was smaller then, I don't know how accurate I am saying 3" but I know she wasn't bigger than 4".

LOL must be. With mini T-laptops. I'll bet mine was hiding it in the corkbark, I used the same peices from her last enclosure. :}{D
Uh-Oh, check the filters. You may find websites of "Pokies Gone Wild" or "T.blondi's..freshly molted mature females ready for fun!" I got a freebie of Trojan-Web in the mail for some reason! X-D {D;P

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Sounds perfect! Things To Do in Portland..

1. Get Steve out of bite ward
2. Rehousing party (we have to invite Jake and his pokies, I said I'd help LOL)
3. Group suicide, via S. cal

I'll bring chips! :D lol
1) Good plan....just make sure they issue painkillers!!! :p
2) Always down for more spider fun!!!!!
3) All summon the mighty Lilith!!!!! {D

Guess that means I gotta take care of dip........

I can only imagine {D

So River was smaller then, I don't know how accurate I am saying 3" but I know she wasn't bigger than 4".

LOL must be. With mini T-laptops. I'll bet mine was hiding it in the corkbark, I used the same peices from her last enclosure. :}{D
Must be......don't know how they acquire such technology, but I coulda swore I heard a LAN game going on between my P. irminia, C. fasciatum, and my H. mac last night. {D

Uh-Oh, check the filters. You may find websites of "Pokies Gone Wild" or "T.blondi's..freshly molted mature females ready for fun!" I got a freebie of Trojan-Web in the mail for some reason! X-D {D;P
I did check their filters.......all I found was RobC's YouTube channel as their home page.......traitors!!!! :p