Desert and Ivory Millipede Cohab


Oct 14, 2018
IMO, I think so.
It'll depend on your setup and how deep your substrate is.


Oct 14, 2018
Take this with a grain of salt,
because my desert milli's seem to spend the great majority of the time underground and I don't know if I'm keeping them too dry or if this is just their behavior...
If anything, I'd have the setup built around the desert milli's needs. Ivories appear much more flexible.

I'd go with a deep substrate layer at one end and a shallow layer at the other, for a nice moisture gradient. Keep the shallow end moist and let the top layer of the deeper end dry a little.
Depending on where your ventilation is, you could have the deeper layer closer to the venation point.
They can burrow deeper if they're too dry or burrow higher if they're too damp.

Optional things I've noticed:
My desert milli's like being burrowed in the roots of my plants. Keeping a moisture-loving plant in the deeper layer may also help you know if it's getting too dry.
If it's a tall tank, since my ivories like to climb, I like to give them background to climb on, this might also let the higher areas have less humidity (depending on where your ventilation is).


Apr 4, 2018
Take this with a grain of salt,
because my desert milli's seem to spend the great majority of the time underground and I don't know if I'm keeping them too dry or if this is just their behavior...
If anything, I'd have the setup built around the desert milli's needs. Ivories appear much more flexible.

I'd go with a deep substrate layer at one end and a shallow layer at the other, for a nice moisture gradient. Keep the shallow end moist and let the top layer of the deeper end dry a little.
Depending on where your ventilation is, you could have the deeper layer closer to the venation point.
They can burrow deeper if they're too dry or burrow higher if they're too damp.

Optional things I've noticed:
My desert milli's like being burrowed in the roots of my plants. Keeping a moisture-loving plant in the deeper layer may also help you know if it's getting too dry.
If it's a tall tank, since my ivories like to climb, I like to give them background to climb on, this might also let the higher areas have less humidity (depending on where your ventilation is).
If I had anything to say it would be very similar, this is a great suggestion but yes I don’t believe there will be any problems putting them together. Only issue I could see is that if anyone breeds you won’t know who the pedelings belong to but still awesome either way!


Jul 11, 2016
I have seen many setups that have done well and contained both species. So yes, you can keep them together without issues.

I would say perhaps have a subtle moisture gradient from top to bottom (drier at the surface and progressively getting moister towards the bottom), but large moisture gradients have been known to kill millipedes.

