Cyclocosmia ricketti "Guangxi Turret Rump Trapdoor Spider" - egg sac !!!


Dec 9, 2013
Springtails probably would be a good food source, particularly if they can establish, you won't have to worry so much about acively feeding them. Or would they harrass the spiderlings too much? This is unfamiliar territory to me but fascinating. I love this species.
I've used springtails for two of Cyclocosmia truncata and Cyclocosmia torreya slings and it worked! As they gained 4th instar, they should be able to tackle pinhead crickets and trukistan roach hatchlings. I even used springtails for my Ummidia rongodwini and it also worked. The best springtails to feed them are the tropical pinks because they're twice smaller than a fruit fly. So they're quite big and beefy for a species of springtails.