Crow's Arachnids Picture Thread

Crows Arachnids

Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
The time has come for us to compose our website and the camera has been quite abused lately! Enjoy the following pictures! So that all may be aware, I, Jonathan Silva, am an absolute ninny when it comes to cameras, computers, and just about everything else that has a power button, so bear with me. All pictures were taken today with my phone, as soon as we get the perfect shots with the camera the pictures will follow. Let us begin!

Poecilotheria metallica: 1/16/2011

To all those individuals who purchased Poecilotheria metallica slings from me at the Pomona Super Show here is the mother to your newfound additions!

2011-01-16_17-05-52_516 by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Poecilotheria ornata: 1/16/2011

Here she is fattening up for her third sac!

Ornata by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Brachypelma emelia: 1/16/2011

She is prepping to drop her sac now!

Emelia by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Hapopelma lividum: 1/16/2011

She just had the last of her matings last week!

Lividum by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Poecilotheria rufilata: 1/16/2011

I'm expecting this girl to give me some babies really soon!

Rufilata by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Poecilotheria formosa: 1/16/2011

Always liked this species.

Formosa by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Grammostola pulchra: 1/16/2011

Is she looking gravid to anyone? :rolleyes:

Pulchra by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Avicularia metallica: 1/16/2011

She gave me 107 babies last month.

Metallica by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Brachypelma albopilosum: 1/16/2011

Last time she gave me over 600 slings, I didn't learn my lesson, she's ready for her second sac!

Albopilosum by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Megaphobema robustum: 1/16/2011

Working on producing this species now!

Robustum by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Grammostola pulchripes: 1/16/2011

Here she is folks! This is my first spider (along with a Grammostola rosea and Hapoplema lividum) and the first species I ever produced!

Pulchripes by crowsarachnids, on Flickr
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Old Timer
Aug 16, 2007
Nice pics! Wow, you've been busy breeding your Ts! Good job! I'm so full of envy now on your breeding projects.

Crows Arachnids

Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Brachypelma smithi: 1/16/2011

I was recently interviewed for a television broadcast, in which I am holding this spider. She's going to be a celebrity! I'll love her even more when she drops her second sac, first time she gave me 400!

Smithi by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Crows Arachnids

Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Acanthoscurria geniculata: 1/17/2011

She dropped 800 babies last time!

Geniculata by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Poecilotheria bara (Lowland): 1/17/2011

Here's hoping she is gravid!

LowLand by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Poecilotheria miranda: 1/17/2011

Recently paired!

Miranda by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Poecilotheria pederseni: 1/17/2011

Ready for her fourth sac!

Pederseni by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Poecilotheria regalis: 1/17/2011

One of 10 gravid girls.

Regalis by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Poecilotheria striata: 1/17/2011

Biggest striata I have ever seen. 8.5"

Striata by crowsarachnids, on Flickr

Poecilotheria striata: 1/16/2011

This is the male who lived with the above female for two weeks. This is what happened when he wouldn't wash the dishes. :(

Striata Male Eaten by crowsarachnids, on Flickr


Old Timer
Mar 22, 2008
Good luck with breedings,you have some nice tarantulas.
But it seems its not Poecilotheria subfusca lowland = Poecilotheria bara.