Thanks for the kind words. The Vinegaroon has been very easy to care for. I have the same setup as my Emporer Scorp. Haven't been able to ever see it eat, but the Crix do dissappear!ShadowSpectrum said:What wonderful critters you have. I love all of your Ts. I'm jealous of your vinegaroon! Are they easy to care for?
That is just AWESOME! Congratulations on your LP. Aren't they pretty? I often feel they are a bit underrated. I have 4 para juvies that started off at 1/4" last summer and my biggest one is now 3.5" (just molted 3 days ago). I LOVE them. I think they're very pretty, impressive as they get big(ger), AWESOME display animals, great temperament.crawldad said:Socrates, how nice of you to visit again. My "mystery T" molted to be a pretty little Rosea, which I traded to my buddy stubby8th for the real thing. The first shot is of the Rosea after her last shed, and the second is of my new L. Parahybana.