contageus hobby


Aug 30, 2010
I met a girl (<333) at work that was arachnophobic :D, so i decided to bring in my biggest tarantula (rosehair), she squirmed a bit when she saw it but then grew into liking it :clap:. I want to give her a tarantula that she would enjoy for her birthday and i thought about the most colorful and docile one to give her [mexican red knee]. I just started my collection so I dont know too much about other species that would be a great gift for her, any suggestions?:confused:


Jun 18, 2010
There are only two things you never give a woman as a gift.(1. An appliance.2.A pet.) Now it's one thing if she asks for it it's another if you take it upon yourself to assume.A pet is a serious thing ,you might want to really make sure it's the right gift.


Sep 8, 2010
There are only two things you never give a woman as a gift.(1. An appliance.2.A pet.) Now it's one thing if she asks for it it's another if you take it upon yourself to assume.A pet is a serious thing ,you might want to really make sure it's the right gift.
Haha that's funny because the only gifts I ever ask for are appliances and pets :p

Seriously though OP, I agree with Offkillter. I would first make sure she would actually want it (liking yours and wanting one of her own are different things) and then maybe let her pick one out. As an arachnophobe in therapy, there's some Ts I can deal with, there's others I'm still working on.


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
{D Am I reading this right? You want to give an arachnophobe a spider for her birthday?!?!? It certainly would be a thoughtful gift for somebody that's already in the hobby, but in this case isn't that a little like giving somebody who's afraid of heights a balcony suite on the 90th floor?

How about first offering her a festively gift-wrapped edition of the Tarantula Keeper's Guide so she can read up a little on the subject, let her decide if this is her thing, THEN give her a tarantula? Granted, tarantula-keeping is ridiculously easy, but a little advance knowledge is warranted ...

Here's an idea - you get the tarantula, then ask her if she'd like to come over and handle your cyaneopubescens and play with your geniculata, then see how she reacts. If she slaps your face, give her flowers. If she accepts, give her the tarantula.

(Better yet, maybe flowers would be the way to go!)

Let us know how this plays out!


Old Timer
Aug 30, 2009
You all are sooooo missing the point.

Think of it this way..

If he get's her a T and she loves it, she loves him - Success A.
If he get's her a T and she hates it, she gives it back - Success B.

There is no lose here unless she likes it enough to invite him in and help take care of it, well then, you've hit the lottery.

In all seriousness I think what your doing, albeit I have thoughts for the "wrong" motive, is nice but stick with candy and flowers if you don't know her well. Leave the big "impression" ideas till later in the relationship.


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2010
You all are sooooo missing the point.

Think of it this way..

If he get's her a T and she loves it, she loves him - Success A.
If he get's her a T and she hates it, she gives it back - Success B.

There is no lose here unless she likes it enough to invite him in and help take care of it, well then, you've hit the lottery.
LOL, good way to look at it! maybe because it sort of happened to me. i have to say, i personally would have been floored if my S.O. gave me my first T once i gave him the green light (i actually ended up buying one for him that ended up being mine even before we split up :p) but i think my perspective is a little different since i work at a pet store. i have always been surrounded by animals, so being given one more wouldn't put me into OMG FREAKOUT MODE. i think more a guy i'm not dating giving me a pet as a display of affection would a little bit though...

i am going to have to agree with everyone else though, you should probably wait on buying her a T... although the fact that you want to makes wish i knew boys like you.

(and if you do end up dating or whatnot and get far enough along and decide to gift her with one, C. elegans, man. nothing says romance like a T with an actual heart on it :D)


Aug 30, 2010
re: everyone

haha yeah thanks on the insight, to clear things up a bit, she did ask for one :D. Of course i wouldnt give something as precious as a tarantula to someone who wouldnt take care of it! And i never heard that about appliances and pets, I always thought they would be more responsible with a pet...Anyways thanks all for your responces. I'm still going through with this.


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2009
I would say a brachpelma smithi would be cool. The only problem being their hairs. I wouldn't give her a sling either since they can be a little more of a challenge. I think it's a pretty cool idea though. More romantic then flowers lol.



Old Timer
Jul 27, 2009
I met a girl (<333) at work that was arachnophobic :D, so i decided to bring in my biggest tarantula (rosehair), she squirmed a bit when she saw it but then grew into liking it :clap:. I want to give her a tarantula that she would enjoy for her birthday and i thought about the most colorful and docile one to give her [mexican red knee]. I just started my collection so I dont know too much about other species that would be a great gift for her, any suggestions?:confused:
mexican red knee.....the one i have was a cute little sling but now is a major hair kicker and not docile at all....sometimes a "pet rock" its just a sham tho....attacks me when i try to take the water dish or clean the tank....docile? I don't think so....worst than my pokie who is a big chicken BTW! I would suggest a Rose hair but you may get a psycho rosie which does happen...I like Aphonopelma sp. "anywhere USA" US brown Tarantula....Docile and they don't kick hairs.


Old Timer
May 31, 2010
I'd recommend getting her something like an OBT. That way you can offer to come help her out with it. ;) Eh?


Old Timer
Oct 2, 2005
What about an Avic, maybe versicolor? They are a little fast, so maybe you could help her with transfers and stuff, but they are so cute and fuzzy and colorful she would love it! :D

Sadistic Haplo

Old Timer
Dec 16, 2009
Get her an A.avicularia

Pro's - Cheap, Docile, Handleable, She'll dig the pink toes.
Con's- Poop Cannon, can be jumpy.