concern for Degu well-being


Old Timer
Mar 6, 2006
from Virginia? From the way he was typing i figured he was like an 11 year old kid from sweden or something haha. Well hes got some problems my friend, u did the right thing calling that service, poor cute little degus.

Ryan C.

Old Timer
Feb 8, 2006
intrepidus6 said:
He is a minor, yes, but noone in his familly is umm... sane. I have talked to his parents but they don't understand it any better than he does. I live in Abingdon Virginia.
I gave his phone number to the degu rescue people, and they called his familly and talked to his mom, It dosen't seem like she is willing to give the degus to the rescue, but they did say that they informed them about how to better care for the degus, and hopefully they will head the advice.
If they dont start taking care of them right call the SPCA.

If he doesn't take their advice is very immature and doesn't deserve the degus IMO.


Old Timer
Mar 2, 2006
Sometimes we just have to face the sad fact that there are plenty of people out there who are willing to take a life into their hands with no intent on being responsible.


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2006
have a trusted associate "convince" him to surrender his property. The legal ways are often slow and tedious {D personally, i dont think such a messed up family should even be able to keep their own dopey son. If i lived there, i would gladly take them off his hands, one way or the other.


Old Timer
Mar 6, 2006
Step one....Sneak into the house late at night, Be sure to bring your glass cutter, you know like secret agent stlye to cut through the window.

Step 2...Chlorophorm or beat unconscious with large stick the entire family.

Step 3 open the cage and remove the Degus, then put them in your satchel and put them in a safe place. O yea i forgot, bring a stachel.

Now the tricky part

Step 4... Take the whole family, and tie them to a large wooden pole. Leave the kid in question not tied to this pole.

Step 5... Since they are all unconscious drag the kid in question right next to his family who are all tied to a pole. Then douse the family in gasoline. Plant the canister in of gasoline in the kids hand as well as a lighter or pack of matches.

Step 6... Light the Degus old cage on fire in the middle of the area where the family is. KEEP AWAY FROM THE GASOLINE or the family will ignite as well.
Finally leave some Syringes or narcotic paphernalia lying around the boy

Step 7... CAll the police and say you heard strange noises and odd lights coming from the kids house.

Now for the finale... When the police arrive they will find the degu cage burnt to a crisp, the family tied up and soaked in gasoline and the boy lying on the floor with the gasoline and matches. Then they will find the paraphernalia. This will lead them to believe that your friend was on a psychotic narcotic induced death by arsen spree. They will merely assume he burned the cage first to make an example to his family while he was all hopped up on his stuff. Your friend will be arrested and thrown in jail and will eventually convince himself that he blacked out and actually did all that. Then no one will know that you saved the Degus!!!!

HAHA, Im totally kidding buddy, guess i got carried away there, never take anything i say to seirously just jokin around, but yea i would advice you not to steal the degus. let the gov handle it
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