Color differences


Mar 5, 2013
Is there a big color difference between Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra and Neoholothele incei (regular form)?


Staff member
May 7, 2004
Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra Have a green tint/hue to them. Check out the genus pic thread for a good comparison.
Unless there is an ontogenetic shift in the abdominal pattern in Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra, all of the species in that link look like N. incei. Philth's picture of his juv. N. fasciaaurinigra looks like N. incei.

N. incei has the less distinct, blurred looking horizontal stripes while N. fasciaaurinigra has a very clear and bold abdominal striping. This is referring to mature females, males are harder to distinguish visually and I can't comment on immatures as I'm going by the description paper and not by first hand experience with these species.

For a complete description of the two species and their differences, see the paper listed below which can be viewed from the World Spider Catalog.

Guadanucci, J. P. L. & Weinmann, D. (2015). Description of Neoholothele gen. nov. (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Schismatothelinae). Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 50(3): 221-228.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Is there a big color difference between Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra and Neoholothele incei (regular form)?
Yes there is. I own both species. There is noticeable difference both on the carapace and the abdominal colors. Generally speaking they are very easy to tell apart.

They don't call N. fas. the Bumblebee for no reason haha

To fill where Apho left off. the more blurred pattern in incei is present from sling to adulthood, they don't start out with clear lines like N. fas and get more blurry over time.

Also, by everyone I have contacted who has owned N. fas, all report the same thing: they are more delicate than N. incei, and more difficult to breed as well. =(

Quite a few N. fas owners have told me their N. fas died for no obvious reason.

All things being equal, I can only imagine that something is missing in the husbandry, be it temp etc etc, but is present for incei.

Even someone I know who bred N. fas was not able to replicate it beyond one successful sac.

I haven't posted my pics yet of both species.
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