Collection Types


Jun 23, 2014
I keep new world only, and when I choose a new one I pick a genus that I don't have already. From there I go by what kind of care it needs and what it looks like. If it's a slow grower I try to get one at about 1"-2".


Feb 13, 2014
I'm a beginner, and I'm not gunna lie, I go for looks. Why not, as they are display pets? My first is a GBB, and I'm getting avics versi & geroldi, and a b smithi next month. After that, I'll look at a genics and g pulchripes. Their habits & care requirements matter too, but I'm a sucker for the flashy ones - I'd love to work my way up to a p metallica someday, but OWs are off limits to me for a long while, just due to inexperience :p
Taps and Pslamos are a nice stepping stone for OW so once you are ready for some of the fastest Ts on the planet they will help you be ready. Also my two personal favorite genus are the pamphs and phormics, they are large and in charge and will teach you a thing or two; they are excellent when you want more challenging NW terrestrials. Really there is something for everyone, not every T you get needs to be to prepare you for an OW, there are some that are just very enjoyable to have.

I started out with an LP and a GBB, then decided to plunge head first and get an OBT. I've been dealing with grumpy animals most of my life so the OBT wasn't much trouble as long as I respect their speed and venom. I started wanting the biggest possible, but now I'm going for diversity, and just want to try out every kind I can. Thinking about getting a P. muticus or H. lividum, then idk what after that.

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P.muticus have grumpy written all over them (I'd rather deal with my pokies all day), mine is only 1.5 inches and its a little terror but it is a very industrious and interesting T none the less. An example of its tenaciousness is after I helped it get some trapped legs out of a molt (resulting in only 5 good legs) it came after me, threat pose and all, when I transferred it from the ICU to its cage.


Old Timer
Aug 25, 2009
That sort of thing I like about OBTs. They may not get big, but they'll fight the good fight no matter the situation. And I really want to give a king a huge amount of substrate like spider engineer gives his haplos to see what he does with it.

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cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
P. muticus

Top of my want list ATM...very much regret passing on one when I had the chance.:eek:oh:

And they do get big;)

I don't focus on anything in particular, there's just too many I feel I would miss if I focused anywhere in particular. I do like the baboons, psalmos and the big NW, especially my P. nigricolor. Just realized I liked avics more than I ever thought and I have yet to get a "dwarf: sp., but like H. incei.


Feb 13, 2014
Top of my want list ATM...very much regret passing on one when I had the chance.:eek:oh:

And they do get big;)

I don't focus on anything in particular, there's just too many I feel I would miss if I focused anywhere in particular. I do like the baboons, psalmos and the big NW, especially my P. nigricolor. Just realized I liked avics more than I ever thought and I have yet to get a "dwarf: sp., but like H. incei.
I would trade you for the pamph but I don't think you want to give it up now :p Dwarfs are also a riot, my H. sp Columbia is one of the cages that I dread opening because they make up for their size with attitude.

That sort of thing I like about OBTs. They may not get big, but they'll fight the good fight no matter the situation. And I really want to give a king a huge amount of substrate like spider engineer gives his haplos to see what he does with it.

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Mine has a fair amount of sub, about 4 inches, and it remodels about once a month, it has cathedral ceilings in one part of the complex and has had up to 4 entrances at one time, it recently remodeled to only have one now. I know they can get rather large so maybe when mine is an adult I will give it like 2-3 feet of sub and see what happens; I know for sure in the wild that they have bigger burrows than what most people provide them with.


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2013
I just started owning T's a little while ago, but my interests are kind of spread. So far I'm interested in the Phormictopus, first T is a P. cancerides, Selenocosmia, Phlogius, and Chilobrachys genus along with some random species. I'm hoping to get experience with the Phormictopus so I can move up to the Selenocosmia and Phlogius genus.

johnny quango

Old Timer
May 17, 2013
All my T's are nw terrestrial I know it sounds boring but I tend to look for species on the rare side of things at 1st it was standard t's like B emilia gbb G pulchra, then I decided I wanted dwarf species which I have a few of. Just today I took delivery of a Brachypelma verdezi (I know not rare) a Cyclosternum fasciatum (also not rare) but with these 2 came a Pamphobeteus sp mascara which could be considered rare and a little expensive by some people. So I guess with me it is rarity and size I think lol


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
I focus on the T´s i love. And i do breed those i have, namely arboreal T´s primarely. i own ALOT of different poecilotheria, also lampropelma, tapinauchenious and a few avicularia aswell. And i do breed the 2 chinese haplopelma also (schmidti and hainanum).
I keep some scolopendra, scorpions and hot snakes aswell, just as side projects.


Old Timer
Feb 24, 2013
My favorite tarantulas are the big baboons (Eumenophorinae), of which I currently have ten from three different genera (Pelinobius, Hysterocrates, Monocentropus). Other than that I don't really have much of a focus... I generally prefer chunkier tarantulas over slender ones and go for colors/patterns I think are interesting or attractive. I have a few pokies but have never been very interested in arboreals.


Jan 5, 2014
All my T's are nw terrestrial I know it sounds boring but I tend to look for species on the rare side of things at 1st it was standard t's like B emilia gbb G pulchra, then I decided I wanted dwarf species which I have a few of. Just today I took delivery of a Brachypelma verdezi (I know not rare) a Cyclosternum fasciatum (also not rare) but with these 2 came a Pamphobeteus sp mascara which could be considered rare and a little expensive by some people. So I guess with me it is rarity and size I think lol
Pamphobeteus sp Mascara!!! That is a sweet one! I don't hear much about em but one look at them and your trying to scrounge up the cash. I heard they can get 9" plus!

---------- Post added 07-31-2014 at 08:10 PM ----------

My favorite tarantulas are the big baboons (Eumenophorinae), of which I currently have ten from three different genera (Pelinobius, Hysterocrates, Monocentropus). Other than that I don't really have much of a focus... I generally prefer chunkier tarantulas over slender ones and go for colors/patterns I think are interesting or attractive. I have a few pokies but have never been very interested in arboreals.
+1. I also like some bulkier spiders. Hmac over Poecilotheria and L. Klugi over L. Parahybana all day! My arboreal interests are also limited to a select few. Psalmopoeus, Hmac, and maybe some Cyriopagopus someday...

johnny quango

Old Timer
May 17, 2013
Pamphobeteus sp Mascara!!! That is a sweet one! I don't hear much about em but one look at them and your trying to scrounge up the cash. I heard they can get 9" plus!

All the research I've done leads me to believe they get around 25cm which is somewhere between 9-10" so it almost lp territory. I feel really proud that I own 1 as it was unofficially part of the 1st time breeding in the UK I trust the breeder/dealer as he is the uk's number 1 supplier to the trade the word is that these hatch out almost as large as the theraposa genus. Mine is just over 1" so it's got plenty of growing to do and believe it or not but it cost me £55 so around $85-90 which isn't too bad


Jan 5, 2014
Pamphobeteus sp Mascara!!! That is a sweet one! I don't hear much about em but one look at them and your trying to scrounge up the cash. I heard they can get 9" plus!

All the research I've done leads me to believe they get around 25cm which is somewhere between 9-10" so it almost lp territory. I feel really proud that I own 1 as it was unofficially part of the 1st time breeding in the UK I trust the breeder/dealer as he is the uk's number 1 supplier to the trade the word is that these hatch out almost as large as the theraposa genus. Mine is just over 1" so it's got plenty of growing to do and believe it or not but it cost me £55 so around $85-90 which isn't too bad

That is great! I am jealous over here bro so please post some pictures as she(hopefully) grows up! Someday I will learn to post pictures too….technologically stunted.


Mar 4, 2014
I have a bit of just about everything: NW, OW, arboreal, terrestrial...slings, juvies,and adults. I've picked up additional members of some families such as Psalmo's and now have an interest in Euathlus, having just received my fifth, a E. pulcherrimaklaasi blue juvenile. (They're cute, interesting little things. ) I get most of my inspiration from AB members.


Old Timer
Mar 23, 2011
I keep it NW and "safe". I'm particularly fond of Aphonopelmas, I've got 4 species and 2 more on the wishlist.


Old Timer
Apr 29, 2012
As of right now I have New world terrestrial and aboral s. I do plan to get afew old worlds. OBT is on my list for sure.


Feb 10, 2014
My collection is pretty simple. Mainly good looking NW terrestrials. It keeps my wife and daughter interested and they help me out with feeding and maintenance. They like to watch them hang out in the open doing spider stuff.


Sep 6, 2011
My collection is strictly NW, and will stay that way. It's a deal I made with the Mrs, so there it is :) I tend to go 50/50 on arboreals and the big terrestrials. But my heart is with the Avics, if I had to put it that way. An A. Versicolor was my first sling, and I've just loved the Avics ever since.

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
Peraonaly i go for a little bit of everything. I was first scared to get anything with a temper.. then i convinced nyself to get one of my faves an A.geniculata. in fear shed be a (bad word here) i got a few others with her that would have different requirements to keep my mind off of it. Gbbs, LP and LD. Sadly (or should i say thankfully) my genics a little lover. Great feeding response tho she gave me a threat pose first minute having her. And i cant blame her 3 days on trucks yuck!. Sense then shes a doll. I actually just got my first real threat display today durring a rehousing.. from believe it or not... my 2" LP.. funny stuff! I have 2 more coming in today based off of looks, skill level, general attitude and the want/need to have more Ts who can brauden my skill level. Lol #addictmuch