Co-habiting Vagans


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2010
Well I tried putting my MM vagans with the female ... she came out once and they tussled but we didnt see a clear insertion ... since then he has co-habited with her for 2 weeks !! He lives in her coconut and made a sperm web there, and she lives in the burrow. I thought to leave them together for a day or two but he seems quite happy there :?

Could she be immature and therefor reject his advances ?
Or should I try with another MM ??


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2009
Well I tried putting my MM vagans with the female ... she came out once and they tussled but we didnt see a clear insertion ... since then he has co-habited with her for 2 weeks !! He lives in her coconut and made a sperm web there, and she lives in the burrow. I thought to leave them together for a day or two but he seems quite happy there :?

Could she be immature and therefor reject his advances ?
Or should I try with another MM ??
How large is she?

Also, it could be that they're being amorous in the middle of the night when you're not watching. The evil little things seem to do the things you'd be interested in seeing either in the middle of the night or when you're not watching... like molting.