Cleaning old world enclosures

Mike Withrow

Jul 24, 2022
Condensation that bad means you are watering way way to much and probably need to address the ventilation. Slings kept that wet for long will die . Even moisture dependant species. The point of it being so bad you have to wipe it down daily tells me the substrate is soaked .


May 17, 2023
Confined spaces (most peopels tarantulas enclosures are ultra confined) with little air exchange and a media that holds moisture well and are also quite moist will take weeks to dry out. Not hours or days. outside of both temp and air holes, it will depend on your greater environments' norms. Especially fresh air exchange, temp and humidity.

Mike Withrow

Jul 24, 2022
I've already got spicy that I didn't ask for so I want to (I can't mention too much cos of rules but they're in the classifieds now) and I'm gonna get a Vagans if I can, I've read about the sp Tortuguero and I would have one of them, just a subspecies of Vagans aren't they? I know there's an island off Mexico where Vagans get bigger than usual.

I'd love a Vagans. Can keep them on dryish substrate and I love my desert set ups. Chalcodes are one of my favourites looking Ts too!! A Geniculata are stunning but a little more flicky with their urticating hairs I'm told which can be quite irritating, Pamphobeteus, stunning males but some of the females are bland.

Phormictopus are where it's at for colours in both sexes but they're fast and bitey haha, but one I'm looking to get in the future, my oldest girl is interested in the hobby so don't wanna put her off with an 8" wrecking machine like a Phormictopus species just yet haha. I want a T she can observe and help me with when she stays, it's gonna be her T but obviously under my guidance and I do the maintenance when she's not here but she helps while she's here so Harpactira probably not a good idea, they're reluctant to bite apparently but very fast and if they do bite then it can be miserable for whoever they inflict it on for as much as weeks. I do think they're beautiful though.
It's been my experience with the two T.vagens I have they are skittish once they feel exposed they will bolt. It's better imo to use methods to lessen escapes no matter what your dealing with.


Dec 22, 2018
Condensation that bad means you are watering way way to much and probably need to address the ventilation. Slings kept that wet for long will die . Even moisture dependant species. The point of it being so bad you have to wipe it down daily tells me the substrate is soaked .
I've not wet the substrate it's spider life substrate it's moist enough so didn't wanna add water, added two or three little droplets to it's web every couple of days to keep it hydrated and added nothing to the substrate, the condensation adds water to it but I don't and haven't ever