"Chupacabra" in Texas


Jul 27, 2012
I used to live in this huge house in the middle of absolutely nowhere, acres and acres of land, no neighbors for miles, farmland across the street, etc. I was joking with my roommate and her boyfriend about the chupecabre being known to feed on farm animals, and told her about all of the stories i'd seen on TV. She had never heard of one...but the original "sighting" as I recall was something like a Man-Bat. Now, we had a lot of strange wildlife in our vast back yard. We got coyotes and wild rabbits and all sorts of fascinating birds..but one night, we heard the metal garbage cans fall over. It may have been the wind, but my poor friend is extremely easily influenced by stories, and her imagination. She started trying to convince us it was the chupecabre. We were laughing, while peering out into the darkness from the living room window trying to figure out what animal was rooting through our trash, when suddenly, she hit the deck face first on the living room floor. In my mind, when you see somebody drop to the floor, there is a good chance a maniac with a machine gun is on the other side of that window, so without even questioning, I followed suit. Survival instinct and all that.

her boyfriend sat on the couch and laughed at us and still tells this story to the day. After we clearly didn't get shot up by a maniac, I asked her what the heck that was for. She said, and STILL says to this day, that she saw the Man-Bat, the Chupecabre, it looked at her, and then "flew up over the house."

I think she's probably just a little nuts, but hey, you never know. We survived with a funny story to tell.


Aug 9, 2012
Well I can say there's alot if weird animals in the world yet un descovered species, but if this chupecabre exists am sure expert hunters would have already tracked it by now, and probably be on TV in some lab.