What I have to say is: Get one, you wont be sorry.
I'm ordering a sling this week. I have an adult female, but I just have to have another sling so I can watch it change as it grows
Super cool spider..
I have two of them...they're still tiny slings, but I like them. They're already prone to flick, which is kinda cute when you see a 1/2" sling trying to flick hairs at you. They are healthy eaters, mine can take down adult crickets if they want to, but I only feed them the bigger ones on a rare occaision. I would highly reccomend them, though my reccomendation isn't worth a lot.
One of the most beautiful species, and very easy to care for. Slings need slightly damp substrate, but adult specimens can (in fact SHOULD) be kept on dry substrate with only a water dish providing humidity. They are heavy webbers, and will cover the interior of any container you keep them in with a solid floor of silk. Their temperament is slightly skittish--I've known them to urticate, but really defensive specimens seem to be comparatively rare. I've never had any trouble getting them to eat any of the conventional feeders. IMO, no collection is complete without one!
I agree with everything everyone else already said. No collection is complete without one of these beauties. Mine is a very active spider with lots and lots of webbing in the container. It is a great feeder and is not too aggressive, more skittish than anything. The only thing mine does different from what everyone has mentioned is it does not seem prone to throwing urticating hairs. My B. boehmi is another story altogether!! Good luck if you purchase this species you can't go wrong!
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