I have a question about mating. I haven't been home for about 2 weeks and when I returned I found my C. cyaneopubescens male ultimate-molted. He was in a heavily webbed tunnel so I didn't know if he was making some sperm webs. Anyway, I moved him to a female enclosure and he started moving all around the glass sides and few hours after, they met and started touching and drumming. Couple of times he tried to lift her but quickly gave up, and that lasted for a couple of hours so i got bored, waiting near the enclosure with pincers to try to save him if the female attacks, and went to lay on a couch. After some time I just saw he lifted her up but didn't see if he injected sperm into spermatheca because of a dark in my room, and suddenly she attacked/pushed him of the web and he felt on the substrate. She was then "cleaning" her abdomen with legs and I moved male back to his enclosure. I'm not sure if it was successful..
So my question is, should I try again tonight and what are the chances that female attacks male, if previous mating was successful? What reactions could I expect?
Thanks in advance.
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