I think your right, it really is underrated. I have no negative things to say about it. It's easy to care for (keep it on bonedry substrate = no mold/fungus etc.), makes ALOT of webbing, great... really great appetite.
well... only one negative thing about it. It grows sooooo slow. :wall: But it is definetly worth the wait!
For shure that is one of the things that I like about that T as well as other T's is the great amount of webbing.I have a Pterinochilus chordatus that has just turned her tank into one great big mass of web and I think that is so very cool.:clap:
When I come to think about it the whole Genus is underrated.. there are some really nice spiders in this Genus.. but of course, C. fimbriatus is great..
They make a really nice webb..
Could it be that they are underrated just because they dont cost a that much..?
They kinda remind me of Cyriopagopus schioedtei in a way hehe
I'm gonna have a nice fotosession with my fimbriatus and hopefully I will find some other nice ones in Hamm in 2 weeks
Finally got a couple bad pics of my little C. fimbriatus. I've had this one for a bit over a month. I love this species. I think I need to get a couple more. It's just starting to show the abdominal striping but I can't wait for it to really pick up the adult coloration.
nice shot.those huahini sp are quick little guys!!had one run across my living room during rehousing recently.fast as hell.didnt even see it happen lol
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