Chilean Rose not eating


May 27, 2017
Quick question that's unrelated to this topic, how do you mention someone?
Sorry I didn't get to respond to you yesterday (had to go to work after my last message), but I'm glad you were able to get help

Alex retired to his hide 4 days ago and has webbed across the entrance so a molt could be imminent.
Alex very well could be setting up to molt. When he/she comes out again, if you find a molt, you can post a picture of it either on this thread, or in the "Spermathecae Sexing" picture thread. You'll likely get much more traffic in the sexing thread (so more opinions), but the few of us on this thread should still be able to help if you decide to post it here.

Do you know how to properly spread a molt and where to focus the picture so we can sex it?


Dec 28, 2017
Sorry I didn't get to respond to you yesterday (had to go to work after my last message), but I'm glad you were able to get help

Alex very well could be setting up to molt. When he/she comes out again, if you find a molt, you can post a picture of it either on this thread, or in the "Spermathecae Sexing" picture thread. You'll likely get much more traffic in the sexing thread (so more opinions), but the few of us on this thread should still be able to help if you decide to post it here.

Do you know how to properly spread a molt and where to focus the picture so we can sex it?
no i havent a clue to be honest, we've only had Judith molt up to now and we took hers to the shop we got her from. (Guess the time difference is a little off for us, its 8.30pm here)


May 27, 2017
no i havent a clue to be honest, we've only had Judith molt up to now and we took hers to the shop we got her from. (Guess the time difference is a little off for us, its 8.30pm here)
Well it's pretty simple to set up a molt for sexing, and being able to set it up and post pictures on here saves you the trouble of having to bring molts to a store. Obviously you can decide whether you post the molt on here for sexing or bring it in to the pet store, but it doesn't hurt to explain how to do it now so that you know what to do later if you decide you want to post it here.

Basically, you just want to spread out the abdomen of the molt and get a picture of the same spot I mentioned earlier (for sexing the underside of a living tarantula), except on the inside. If the molt is still fresh, it should be easy to spread with toothpicks or something similar. If the molt is stiff and hard to manipulate, you'll want to soak it in some water mixed with a dab of liquid soap for a minute or so to make it easier to work with.

Once you spread the abdomen, you'll simply want to focus a picture into the center of it. What we look for to determine the sex of the tarantula is the presence or absence of spermathecae. Presence of them indicates female, absence indicates male. Spermathecae look different depending on the size and species of tarantula, but for a G. pulchripes (what Alex is), they would appear as a flap with two nubs at the top. This link should contain images of spermathecae for both G. rosea and G. pulchripes, so you know what to look for. A smooth surface instead of a flap would indicate male.

As always, feel free to post here for further assistance and if you want us to determine the sex for you, I just figured I'd provide you with the info now while it's on topic :)

Also, yes, the time is WAY different. When you said it was 8:30pm by you, it was 3:30pm here :rofl:
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May 27, 2017
@SuetheBlue I saw your post but I totally forgot to come back and respond!:banghead: Sorry! It appears that @PidderPeets already got you covered!:)
If it makes you feel any better, I literally wrote out half of my response last night, forgot to finish it because I got tired, then remembered this morning and had to remember what I was gonna say :rofl:


Dec 31, 2016
If it makes you feel any better, I literally wrote out half of my response last night, forgot to finish it because I got tired, then remembered this morning and had to remember what I was gonna say :rofl:
Yep, I've done that before!


Dec 21, 2017
Just wanted to let you know that I know of Rosie’s fasting for more than a year, 18 months is the longest I’ve heard of. That’s why I will never want one.


Oct 13, 2017
Just wanted to let you know that I know of Rosie’s fasting for more than a year, 18 months is the longest I’ve heard of. That’s why I will never want one.
How can you never want something like this? :wideyed:

G rosea2.jpg

It might be frustrating when they fast that long, but rejecting them for that...? No way! :D


Dec 28, 2017
If it makes you feel any better, I literally wrote out half of my response last night, forgot to finish it because I got tired, then remembered this morning and had to remember what I was gonna say :rofl:
thanks for the detailed reply, its a big help but i will prob still post the pic on here to be sure. Alex has blocked the entrance to his/her hide with a mix of substrate and webbing and just staying in there, never done anything like this before so i reckon definitely ready to molt.


Dec 21, 2017
Sorry didn’t mean they are stupid or anything. The red form looks awesome. They are very nice looking T’s, I’m just wanting spiders that will eat good most of the time. That’s all. Also aren’t they like the spider that “started it all”


Oct 9, 2016
Well it's pretty simple to set up a molt for sexing, and being able to set it up and post pictures on here saves you the trouble of having to bring molts to a store.
I totally agree. @SuetheBlue Sexing tarantulas is really something you should able to do by yourself. Your tarantula is large enough to be able to do this with the naked eye. It is not hard and it is actually one of the most interesting aspects of keeping tarantulas. The excitement of seeing your T finally molt and the excitement of finally finding out that your beloved tarantula is a 'she'! Or the disappointment of finding out that it's a 'he', but hey, males deserve love too, right? ;)

It should not be necessary for any self-respecting tarantula keeper to have to depend on the knowledge of a pet shop employee. My advice: read as much as possible about tarantulas on this forum. Use the search option for any topic that you feel your knowledge is lacking. This is an important - and rewarding - part of the hobby. Before you know it you will be the one giving advice right, left and centre on this platform :D


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
Sorry didn’t mean they are stupid or anything. The red form looks awesome. They are very nice looking T’s, I’m just wanting spiders that will eat good most of the time. That’s all. Also aren’t they like the spider that “started it all”
B. hamorii used to be the staple everywhere