Chilean Flame Tarantula


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2003
Chilean Flame Tarantula-- Yeah so that's what they call it, But it's better known as a G. rosea. Red phase. I got this very nice T from the pet store, only $20 and it's about 4 - 5" I just couldn't pass it up, i figured i'd pay that much getting one off one of the dealers online, so that would cost $20 just for shipping not even adding in the T cost. So here it is, my new G. rosea. RED PHASE! Maybe if it's a male... I can breed it with my brown phase! That would be cool, any way, here s/he is! It's definatly a G. rosea, right? I'm pretty positive it is, but hey sometimes pet stores are crazy...



Old Timer
Apr 5, 2003
Nice man!!!

petco came through for you -- but check out some of those other stores in NJ :)

I think $20 is normal... I've always seen them for the same price as regular Brown Phase in stores...

Hmm, i'm trying to find some article or little blog one of the dealers wrote about prices for RP and BP roseas and how some people will pay lots of money for RP roseas and some won't pay anything more than what a BP costs...
pointless but, still pertinent...

anyways congrats on growing your collection!


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
I hate you. I want one of those. I'm coming to visit you.

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Old Timer
Mar 1, 2003
don't hate me!! haha... Well if the sexes between my 3 G. roseas (2 brown phase and that one red phase) work out then there will be a mixed eggsac of brown phase and red phase babies!! So maybe i could sell you one! that is though only if the sexes work out, hopefully one of them are the opposite sex, that would mean BABIES! I'll try and find out, but they all look female to me, but i could be wrong, because i'm no master sexer...hahaa..
It's also very docile, the lady at the store was so scared to get it out for me, so i got it and it showed no aggression at all, so it isn't one of those EVIL roseas!


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by invadermike
don't hate me!! haha... Well if the sexes between my 3 G. roseas (2 brown phase and that one red phase) work out then there will be a mixed eggsac of brown phase and red phase babies!! So maybe i could sell you one! that is though only if the sexes work out, hopefully one of them are the opposite sex, that would mean BABIES! I'll try and find out, but they all look female to me, but i could be wrong, because i'm no master sexer...hahaa..
It's also very docile, the lady at the store was so scared to get it out for me, so i got it and it showed no aggression at all, so it isn't one of those EVIL roseas!
What is this with Petstore Lady Employees and Spiders? I mean they get paid to service customers knowing they sell inverts yet they're all chicken when it comes to retrieving spiders. I'd probably make the consider calling a psyche ward if I told them I had my Dodoma Baboon snap at me (I was not hurt just in case you're worried. I utilized a plastic straw to distract the spider while i messed around with her waterdish.) for tampering with her webbing over her waterdish.


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2002
Originally posted by Godzilla2000
What is this with Petstore Lady Employees and Spiders? I mean they get paid to service customers knowing they sell inverts yet they're all chicken when it comes to retrieving spiders. I'd probably make the consider calling a psyche ward if I told them I had my Dodoma Baboon snap at me (I was not hurt just in case you're worried. I utilized a plastic straw to distract the spider while i messed around with her waterdish.) for tampering with her webbing over her waterdish.
I've found that MALE employees are much more likely to be scared of the spiders than the females are.



Old Timer
Apr 4, 2003
I don't think its a gender war, I think they are both equally ignorant which causes the fear.


Old Timer
May 6, 2003
heh heh heh...i have an amusing story...

the most brave employee i've seen to handle a T was actually female. she simply reached in, let the T see her, calm down a bit (it just kept running away) and then slowly picked it up as it sat upon a rock.

(this is actually my G. rosea in this story)

now...the funniest thing was that she handled it unphased and later when i finally got over my terrible fear (first time i'd held one) my bf was asking me questions about them.

well, she happened to hear some of our chatting, came over and to find out she did NOT know about urticating hairs, did NOT know they were venomous either! lol.

after that, she was ironically much less eager to hold them. (grin) i thought it was the most hilarious thing since she obviously did really well with them at first. so i tried to reassure her as much as i could and told her outright that the venom was no worse than say a bee sting for the more common pet Ts and she'd probably never encounter one with worse venom. nevermind that G. roseas were usually more docile as well.

it seemed to reassure her somewhat, i'm hoping she's gone back to retrieving them with ease. :)

an amusing case where ignorance actually made someone more brave. though, certainly that isn't the ideal.


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
Should I ever have to get an aggressive spider out of their enclosure for any reason, I employ the back Tarantula into a Deli Cup trick. It works everytime with leading to my hand getting harpooned.