Thanks, yeah, I've been slacking on the pic takeing letely but I'm trying to devote a bit more time to it. I enjoy takeing the pics but it's mainly for my own records.
Heres the second one I recently recieved. this one is 3 1/2 inches which makes it about a 1/2 inch larger than the female above. I think it's female but I'll wait for a molt to make sure. If anyone out there ever gets a male, let me know. I know it's going to be hard to find but oh well.
Well, I've rounded out my love of Thrixopelma with two ockerti slings. This one has molted in the last few days but the other one is still in premolt and I didn't want to bother it.
Thank you TarantulaLV. I'm glad you liked them. I've got more pics to take and even more to add to the thread but it's hard to get all of them named and tagged and uploaded. It's just time consumeing. I'll get it done though.
I got lucky with this one. She was bred and molted about 2 months later but I have a couple of male for her so she's getting fed up for her introduction and round number two.
Thought I'd throw a few more pics out to update my thread. I few haven't been seen for some time. Oh well...Enjoy.
First off, I've had these three slings for 14 months now and they all three, just now, are starting to show some traits. Wow they're slow. Here's one of them.
B. emilia
Next we have a female I. hirsutum. The male left for some breeding so I aquired this one in it's place. So colorful....
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